Lesson 2: Simple Instagram Posting

*Note: This training assumes you will be able to setup and create your Instagram and Canva profiles and usernames and passwords.

This lesson instructs you how to create simple Instagram posts, and how to save your work in Instagram draft to post at a later time or date.

Simple Instagram Posting

1. On your smartphone, select the “Instagram”icon.

2. Once in Instagram, select the “+” sign on the bottom center of the page to go to your smartphone Image “Gallery”.

3. On the next screen in your “Gallery”, select the image you want to post on Instagram.

4. Once you are satisfied with the image, select “Next”.

5. On the next screen, you can change the Filter of the image. Almost all the time, I use the default which is “Normal”. If you are satisfied with the Filter, select “Next”.

6. On the next screen, you will write a caption. Go ahead and write your caption.

7. When writing your caption, make sure you are posting one of your OWN images – or if you are posting someone else’s image MAKE SURE YOU GIVE THEM PROPER ATTRIBUTION by indicating in the caption “Photo courtesy of @Instagram account name”.

Include all relevant hashtags associated with the image you are posting. Add any emoticons you might like. (*Note: More details about hashtags coming in Part 2 of the training)

Also Tag any people and share on other Social Media if you choose to.

8. Click “Share” to Post.

9. Check your completed post in Instagram. Looks Good!!


Once you’ve completed these steps, go to Lesson 3 by clicking “Next Page.”

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Sammy-B Premium
Very useful training and really well structured with easy to follow steps. Makes things so much easier for me. Thank you for putting this together, Kaju!
jetrbby80316 Premium
Much appreciated Sammy. This training took a lot of time, what appears very simple is not easy!
Sammy-B Premium
Yes, I can imagine it was very time consuming. Thanks for taking the time to do this, Kaju!
jetrbby80316 Premium
Loes Premium
When I understand it correctly, I create my Instagram images, then login to Canva with my phone and I can share the image?
Or am I totally wrong?
jetrbby80316 Premium
That's correct Loes. You can first create/ refine your images on Canva on a desktop or laptop and save them in Canva.

Then download the FREE Canva app on your phone from Google Play Store (or iStore), and conveniently save the images from the Canva app to your photo gallery.

You can only post on Instagram from your phone. So whenever you want to post on Instagram, all those images you made on your PC or laptop are already in your phone.
Loes Premium
Splendit! Thank you very much
jetrbby80316 Premium
Glad this could help. I learned all of this by doing it OVER and over again, But to actually THINK through every step (when you do it intuitively) to put together a training for other people who don't know it is a challenge, Loes!
Loes Premium
All Social media is a challenge to me
jetrbby80316 Premium
I never would have guessed that Loes! I assumed you were an expert.

Then that's even better, because this training is laid out VERY SIMPLE.
Loes Premium
I do know already how to use canva:))
jetrbby80316 Premium
What a pity Loes, so far this training is not getting much engagement either. smh
Loes Premium
The new ux is not helpful
jetrbby80316 Premium
This appears to be so. But I really don't know why it has impacted the training more than the blogs.
Loes Premium
Kyle promised it would become better, but I am not convinced
jetrbby80316 Premium
Me too. I agree. Sad.
Laurel0887 Premium
Once again, you're full of useful info!

Thanks much,

jetrbby80316 Premium
Glad I can really help, thank you Laurel!

jetrbby80316 Premium
Thanks so much again Laurel:) I have a new You Tube channel where I'm producing great content.
Check out our great Tokyo story as well as my Efren Reyes match win video play by play:)
Send me your YT link and I will Subscribe. You can Subscribe to my channel here:)


If you don't yet, I will happily return the favor when yours is up.:)
MJ_SNAR Premium
Sounds good!
jetrbby80316 Premium
Awesome Marcus, thank you!
MatthewLS Premium
This was a really cool and insightful training, I can't wait until part 2 comes out. I hope the best for you
jetrbby80316 Premium
I tried to keep it simple and easy to follow. Part 2 will be very comprehensive on reposting - this is where the "rubber meets the road".

Thanks so much for liking my training Matthew!