If you select some text before you press the ‘Pin It’ button, the selected text goes to the description field. You don’t need to copy and paste or type, so you save time.
If you are not convinced yet about the importance of using Pinterest to promote your business, consider these facts:
Pinterest drives more referral traffic than YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+ combined. (Source: BrandonGaille)
According to a recent Millward Brown study, 87% of pinners use Pinterest to help them decide what to buy.
Pinterest is a newer social media site and many of us are still learning how to use it properly. For those who say they see no value in promoting on Pinterest, I would urge them to reconsider.
No, you are not going to see results if you do not strategize correctly. Writing good descriptions is part of that strategy and all it takes is a little bit of extra time.
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