1. Have I included a keyword?
    You need to use the right keywords for your content to be found through Google search and the same applies to Pinterest. By using your keyword strategically in your pin description, you can increase your Google rankings and be found more easily by users looking on Pinterest for a particular topic.

  2. Is my description as clear and specific as possible?
    The more specific your description, the more chance you have of attracting interested customers. Instead of saying, "biscuit dip", say "chocolate cheesecake biscuit dip with marshmallows ". If you mention the most distinctive details of your pin in your description, it's more likely to appear in search results.

    e.g. "Grow your business with Pinterest"

    "Want to grow your audience, increase your website traffic and learn how to properly utilize Pinterest? I'll show you how. Download free ebook here"

  3. Have I included my link?

    The easiest way to get someone to visit your page to check out your content or a specific product is by including a link in the description. The person just clicks on the link and goes straight to your page, without even having to click on the image and waiting for it to expand
  4. Have I placed a short call-to-action?
    A call-to-action in your pin description increases engagement by 80%
    (Source: BrandonGaille)
    Here are some ways you can include a call-to-action in your description:
    - Download your free ebook here.
    - Watch this video of ...
    - Find more details ....
    - Get a free quote ...

  5. Is my description optimized for mobile users?
    Many Pinterest users use mobile devices, so make sure vital information and your keyword are in the first 125 characters if possible. Here’s how the pin descriptions appear on different devices.
    - On an iPhone, about 4 lines appear (100 characters)
    - On an iPad, about 10 lines appear (250 characters)
    - On the Android, about 3 or 4 lines appear (100 characters) (Source: viraltag.com)

  6. Have I used a hashtag?

A pin with a hashtag in the description appears in the search results when people click on it. This gives you more exposure.

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Tirolith Premium
Thanks Erica for the lesson. I will have a go soon as I can.......Tom.
Ericabried Premium
No problem Tom.
MPrice Premium
Thanks Erica,
I'm just starting with Pinterest, so this info is really helpful!
Ericabried Premium
Glad to help!
paulgoodwin Premium
This is great -really great info and thank you so much
Ericabried Premium
Thanks so much Paul!
2Al Premium
It's a great tutorial. Well done. I'm going to bookmark it for future reference.
Ericabried Premium
Thanks Alma!
jvranjes Premium
Thank you.

In fact I never add any description. Instead, alt text shows automatically. So the job is done already when I add picture to the post.

I put keyword usually in the picture file name, so again this is done already in the post, no need for extra job.