Example of an image add. How To Start Selling Products Online within 60 minutes

Hi there an welcome to my little training on how to start selling products online within 60 minutes without using the website. A lot of new members here at WA ask how they could start selling immediately.

You who enter this training from my private website, don't have to get a premium to get the whole value of what you learn here. New members as well, don't need to sign up for start selling this way.

Of course, this is a shortcut system and does not replace the huge possibilities a real website provides. But if you're interested in start earning right away to finance the premium membership or anything else, you can learn how to do this right here.

Why I bring you here inside of this program, Wealthy Affiliate, is because here you have free access to all necessary parts this system involves.

Now let's have a look at the list of things you'll have to do.

Only 9 short steps away from going public.

  • 1. Fill out your profile completely. Like that you'll be able to earn commissions here. FREE
  • 2. Build a plain SiteRubix Website. Like that you can use a tool you'll need in the next step. FREE
  • 3. Add the "pretty link plugin" to your empty website. Like this, you can place ads on social media without being seen as spam. FREE
  • 4. Choose your first product. Like this, you have something to sell right away and get commissions. FREE
  • 5. Change your affiliate link into a pretty link. Like this, you can post on social media. FREE
  • 6. Go to your Facebook site or open a new account. This is the first place you'll be placing your add. FREE. Create an FB post and add the link. Like this, you start getting seen publicly. FREE
  • 7. Post the add. Now the selling can start. FREE
  • 8. Some tips on creating nice adds and what other social media you can use. FREE

1. Complete your profile in WA now

Because you will be selling WA referrals, by the way, a high converting and more than the average good paying product, you have to complete your profile here.

You find your profile on the top far right. Go to "account settings" and complete 100% you don't have to upgrade for this nor do you have to give any credit card information.

Information On Earning With WA Referrals

You'll need to get hold of a PayPal account in order to get paid by WA. I set my payout min. to $5000 so I have time to clear the PayPal thing before WA wants to pay out my money :)

How to set up your PayPal account you can see here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/rcbonay/blog/how-to-set-up-p...

You can check everything concerned with the WA affiliate program by reading all posts under the "black airplane" button above.

My system also works for selling for example Amazon or eBay products just to name a few. For every affiliate links you get hold of you can use this system.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Fill out your WA profile 100%
2. Set your commission payout on $5000 or add a PayPal account

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4veeq Premium
Do I need the PayPal Merchant account or just standard?
Labman Premium Plus
You will want a standard account but probably a business account with PayPal.
4veeq Premium
Okay, thanks.
N33 Premium
Thank you Stefan, what a professional training ! Congratulations. Clip und klar, fantastisch.
Zappades Premium
Vielen dank :)

Hope it helps.
edensbox Premium
Very nice training. Thank you for this information!
Zappades Premium
You're welcome.
Nick-at-WA Premium
Hi Stefan, thanks for this nice training.
However, I was wondering if you could share some nice tips on how to grow my social following especially FB.

Zappades Premium
Hi Nick, thanks for commenting.

A higher speed in getting followers on FB might be by following groups, groups about your niche if you are looking for a special group of people.
I applied joining different FB groups in the MMO niche. They actually all accepted me.
There you can post your latest website articles and if allowed also promotions for products/services you sell.
If you get involved in discussions in these groups you might find people wanting to follow you on FB.
Nick-at-WA Premium
Thanks Stefan, much appreciated!
Zappades Premium
I also created my own FB group, this is where I first post all my new articles. From there I share them to other places.
KyleTuska Premium
What's is pretty link?
HowardJaros Premium Plus
Check out Marion's link:
Kyoko817 Premium
It's a plug-in that makes the permalink (URL link) shorter and nicer. I think you will go through the training but here is some more info.
Zappades Premium
Go through the training and you'll know.
Pretty link is a plugin that makes your affiliate links look better.
KyleTuska Premium
Thank you much
KyleTuska Premium
Thanks much
KyleTuska Premium
Thank you!
Zappades Premium
Welcome, if you need further help with this little training please let me know so I can optimize it :)