5. Let's turn it into a pretty link now.

With your link text you now go back to your Wordpress dashboard and open "pretty links, add new link".

You see the image below. Add the target URL, this is the one you just copied.

And below change the code it has offered into a real word. I use "freewebsite".

At the bottom of the page, you now click on "Create", the blue button.

You are directed to another page and on the right, you find your personal pretty affiliate link that is not recognizable by social media as an affiliate link. It also looks better for potential customers.

Tasks 0/3 completed
1. Paste affiliate link into the Target URL field
2. Give your pretty link a name
3. Create a pretty link

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4veeq Premium
Do I need the PayPal Merchant account or just standard?
Labman Premium Plus
You will want a standard account but probably a business account with PayPal.
4veeq Premium
Okay, thanks.
N33 Premium
Thank you Stefan, what a professional training ! Congratulations. Clip und klar, fantastisch.
Zappades Premium
Vielen dank :)

Hope it helps.
edensbox Premium
Very nice training. Thank you for this information!
Zappades Premium
You're welcome.
Nick-at-WA Premium
Hi Stefan, thanks for this nice training.
However, I was wondering if you could share some nice tips on how to grow my social following especially FB.

Zappades Premium
Hi Nick, thanks for commenting.

A higher speed in getting followers on FB might be by following groups, groups about your niche if you are looking for a special group of people.
I applied joining different FB groups in the MMO niche. They actually all accepted me.
There you can post your latest website articles and if allowed also promotions for products/services you sell.
If you get involved in discussions in these groups you might find people wanting to follow you on FB.
Nick-at-WA Premium
Thanks Stefan, much appreciated!
Zappades Premium
I also created my own FB group, this is where I first post all my new articles. From there I share them to other places.
KyleTuska Premium
What's is pretty link?
HowardJaros Premium Plus
Check out Marion's link:
Kyoko817 Premium
It's a plug-in that makes the permalink (URL link) shorter and nicer. I think you will go through the training but here is some more info.
Zappades Premium
Go through the training and you'll know.
Pretty link is a plugin that makes your affiliate links look better.
KyleTuska Premium
Thank you much
KyleTuska Premium
Thanks much
KyleTuska Premium
Thank you!
Zappades Premium
Welcome, if you need further help with this little training please let me know so I can optimize it :)