While Social Media isn't the answer to your success online (sorry to disappoint you!), it can be an important part of sharing, having others get to know you and your product, and can lead you to a certain level of success over time.

Having a Facebook fan page is a great way to promote your online business; however, if you are not continually working on promoting yourself on Facebook (and spending a good chunk of time and money in the process) you may be disappointed when you find that a lot of your efforts were in vain.

A quick and easy way to have people check out your website on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. is to have plug-ins installed that enable your site to be shared at the click of a button.

Again there are different theories about which plug-ins are more effective than others. (Personally, I use "Sociable" and "Tweet, Like, Google+ 1 and Share"). Kyle has said that the larger icons get more "Likes" or "Shares": I have found this to be true, but prefer the smaller icons as they look neater and more proportionate to the rest of the webpage.

You can customise these and change your options for different pages (I disable social media icons for my Privacy Policy page, for example).

You can then share your own content and others will share it as well. Obviously, the more traffic you get, the more likely you are to have your content shared via social media.

Having a good following is a key to getting traffic if you want to expand your website through Social Media and get more clicks through your content.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below and I'll get back to your asap! :)

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Using Social Media to Generate Traffic
2. Increasing Conversions Through Facebook, Twitter and G+ 1

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BobBrooks Premium
Great training, thanks for making things simple
Mac01 Premium
My pleasure, Bob. Thanks for reading. I hope this can answer some of the more common questions on website ranking and building traffic. Cheers mate.
jimisan Premium
May I know how to install the Google Webmaster Tool to a WP? Sorry, I'm a newbie.
Mac01 Premium
You don't actually install it on your website. I'll send you a link, it will probably explain it better than me... :)
jimisan Premium
Thank you for the link.....
msnix Premium
Hi mac! I cant seem to find the crawl tab? Where is it located?
onmyownterms Premium
I trust your question has been answered by now, if not, PM me.
Grimfyre Premium
Hey Mac, thanks for this training! Just one question... I have the all in one SEO plugin, but on my page that shows all my posts it says...

SEO Title: No Title
SEO Description: No Description
SEO Keywords: No Keywords

Should i touch these sections?

Kyle hasn't mentioned them at all in the Bootcamp yet and I'm on course 5.

Mac01 Premium
Thanks for reading, Ryan. Hope you've got a few ideas from it..

You may recall in one of the early Bootcamp videos (Lesson 2 or 3), Kyle typed some keywords (Wealthy Affiliate, SEO and a few others) into the meta section as he was editing one of his pages, below where the written content goes in WP Editor. That's all you need to do.

The "Title" and "Description" are what will appear on Google when people conduct a search, so make sure they contain your main keyword too; the "Keywords" can be any words or phrases that you may think are relevant to your page...

I'll find Kyle's video and post it to you later. :)
Grimfyre Premium
Ok yeah i did that, just wanted to make sure thanks!

Mac01 Premium
jimisan Premium
Mine is same as yours, Grimfyre,
Mac01 Premium
Did it work out alright, Jimisan?
Mac01 Premium
Hello folks, I've created some new training for your information. Check it our and let me know how you go with it! Best, Mac :)