Step 11: Completion!

Figure 26: Save and Publish

After that, you can choose to save your book as draft, or save and publish it as shown above. The publication will take about 12 hours for books written in English as mentioned earlier.

If your book is written in a different language, it may take about 24 hours to be online for sell.

You are done!


Your book is now published.

You may be asked to go back to your dashboard after you successfully finished the publication steps. The book will be in the review process and then it will enter the publishing process.

You only have to wait until you see it live. Then you can see it on a different Amazon website using its links from your dashboard.

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maluth19 Premium
The link to KDP above seems not to work. You can copy and paste it into your web browser's address bar, and press enter, to open it.

Lady May Premium
This is awesome and a definite bookmark because at some point my daughters goal is to publish a book, so I think this will come in very handy. Thank you
maluth19 Premium
Welcome Sharon. I will be adding more training tutorials soon. These are my e-book bonuses. I normally send them to customers, when they make a purchase of a related product. I love writing the "How-to" e-books.

Dinh Premium
fantastic training!
Loes Premium
Again a great training about publishing John, bookmarked it for future references
maluth19 Premium
Thanks Loes. It's an abstract of a book! I love to write the "How-to" guides...
maluth19 Premium
This is how you can publish your digital books on KDP. Your comments are welcome. WA is a place to learn.

Most of my books are "How-to" guides, helping people learn how things are done.

For more info, please hit my profile photo above, and you will see many other training materials, including my websites. John Shalom
Juba, South Sudan