5. Your Hobby

The best way to start a blog is by following your hobby. Everyone has a hobby. You might not have realized this yet. Explore your hobby and then incorporate it into your writing.

You can incorporate your passions into your blogs, such as sketching, painting, and drawing, even guitar playing. To keep your blogs exciting and appealing, you can share your sketching and playing tips with your readers.

You will never run out of profitable blogging ideas if you make your hobby your blog niche. You can also follow sub-niches like painting, photography, book reviews, movie review, and many more.

This niche covers a broad range of topics that people find attractive. This is a great place to start a blog. It all depends on how wide your hobbies are considered for blogging opportunities.


Your blog niche is your crafting idea. It will be the basis of all your writing. Everybody has a set of interests that can help them explain an idea better. The key to a blog niche is choosing the right topic and sticking with it.

It will take time to build any website business and it will be easier if you are writing about something that you are interested in or even love doing.

Here are some tutorials to help you grow:

14 reasons to write list posts.

Website Content Optimization.

How to build trust in your business.

Have a great weekend my friends.

Please leave a comment and a like. Thanks.

Warm Regards,


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DinaMa Premium
Thank you!
I have pondered about starting to blog for a year now. But still, some elf in my mind whispers that I am just a novice in my past-time hobby; everybody else in that specific hobby niche has been doing things for a long time, and they have so much experience to share. Do you think people would be interested in a blog, as I am just on the road to mastering a specific hobby?
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Well, the thing is that you can do research to learn more about your hobby and then share that knowledge in articles. You can review products that you need to do that hobby.

I hope this helps.
DinaMa Premium
Sure, thanks 🙂
JackMata1 Premium
Awesome work Lily, thanks for sharing.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Jack.
Lily 😊🎶
Zoopie Premium
Another great training post.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great to hear Stephen.
Lily 😊🎶
Dhind1 Premium Plus
Thanks Lily,

I am not even sure what my hobby is these days, nor do I have a firm grasp on what I like to do.

The main niches you propose here are evergreen niches and are wildly popular. I do like your suggestion to start with a micro-niche. Once we can make that work we can expand.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That's the idea Alex.
It isn't as easy to choose as people think.

Lily 😁🎶
CoachHollyG Premium Plus
Thanks Lily! Great information! :)
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome.
Lily 😁🎶