Delete or Update Old Posts?
Sometimes content on your website is outdated or no longer relevant. You need to decide whether you want to keep it updated or remove it. This is part of your content maintenance routine. There are many ways to do this, and this tutorial will help you choose the best way for managing your old content.
The most important part of this process is deciding whether you want to update your content or add links to it. Continue reading to learn how to decide what to do about your old content.
Make Sure to Update Old Content That is Still Valid
Let's say you have an article about Meta descriptions on your blog that requires constant updating in order to keep it up to date. It is up to you to keep it updated with the many changes Google makes to its Meta descriptions. They can sometimes be longer than usual, but they often return to their original length.
You might originally publish this post to show editors and writers how to write Meta descriptions for SEO. However, the advice may change over time. It might be a cornerstone post. However, it must be kept updated to meet the most recent algorithm standards.
If you update your posts frequently, make sure to create new content as well. For example, you could combine three blog posts on the same topic into one post, or replace older sections with new content.