4) Character Length

    Your content length should not be more than 60 characters. When the characters are too long, the search engine does not display them on the result page. Moz.com states that Google displays 50 to 60 characters, so the shorter the better. It also helps place more emphasis on your keywords than irrelevant words for long sentences.

    5) Avoid Keyword Stuffing

      Stuffing your title tag is a bid to gain more search engine relevance is bad practice. It will not help promote your page. Rather, you can get penalized.

      Even when you consider user engagement, stuffing keyword makes your website appear as if it is a bit of everything. The webpage looks as if it is not detailed enough on a particular subject matter. But like a brief on several subjects.

      6) Avoid Special Characters

      Special characters will take up your available character space, main while they are irrelevant to search engines. Google does not use punctuations and other special characters. Avoid them, make your title as short as possible and easily readable.

      7) Deliver on your Promise

      Writing an optimized title tag does not stop at the title tag. Ensure your visitors can find what they are looking for and have added value. This way you can be sure to build loyal customers

      We have been able t establish the importance od title tag and also clearly showing how you can craft it. As such, I believe transforming this to your webpage in terms of making it easy to find and a quick read through for users will be easier.

      But a well-crafted title does not supersede the place of well-written content. Search Engines are becoming more sophisticated, and all algorithm points toward quality content with good length.

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      Recent messages
      AndyN1 Premium
      Hi Ayodeji
      Great summary. I'm not quite sure what to do with a long tail keyword that extends beyond 60 characters - as they sometimes do. Also a quick question is a hyphen i.e. - considered a special character? I ask because some technical terms include hyphens, yet when those terms appear in Jaaxy and Google ranked keywords they don't have hyphens. So when I use the keyword in my title and text, grammerly is telling me to correct it, but I am guessing that if I do correct it and insert the hyphen then could that damage the keyword ranking? A simple example might make this easier to see what I am talking about. I just posted an article with the title
      Stop loss stock strategies.
      The grammatically correct term would be:
      Stop-loss stock strategies
      But the keyword phrase in Jaaxy and Google shows up as:
      Stop loss stock strategies
      Parameter Premium
      For long tail keywords that ar more than 60, depending on your niche. I think it will not be all the time. They will rarely occur.
      It al depends on u. If you are considering user seeing it. Remember a lot wil not be seen. But for SEO, it will increase contribute, even if the effect is minimal.
      For special characters Google won't count it. But for good readability then yes.
      But in my opinion, if
      1)removing it will not change the meaning of the keyword
      2) removing it will make my character length be less than 60
      3) if readers can still get d same message. Then I will do away with it.
      AndyN1 Premium
      Thanks Ayodeji. That makes sense.
      Have a great day!
      Best regards
      Parameter Premium

      You welcome Andy.
      In case you come up with a better idea, I will be glad you share with me

      CCelest Premium
      Thanks for clarifying certain things in regards to tittle page.
      Parameter Premium

      You are welcome carol

      MattilaP Premium
      Good treining. Thanks for that
      Parameter Premium
      You are welcome
      GlendaV1 Premium
      This is a great training very informative
      Keep them coming
      Best Wishes
      Parameter Premium
      I appreciate the time taken to see it

      Thank you
      Jenny28 Premium
      Thanks for sharing this great training.
      Parameter Premium

      You are welcome
