1) Use long-tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords are phrases that people are searching. Gone are the days of single words standing as keywords. It is easier to rank for the long-tail keywords. They are much more specific and narrow. Thus the competition for these long phrases is not as high as that of single words as keywords. Let us take an example of writing on a poultry blog about chicken. Ranking for concepts like keeping day-old chicks will be easier than ranking for chicken.
When placed at the beginning of your title tag, they are much more effective. Remember that title tags are just 60 characters, as such taking advantage of the very first characters will be essential
2) Engage Numbers
The act of using numbers is a way to get attention and increase user engagement. You would have seen things like 100 best chicken coop. While the “best” is a modifier which we will look at shortly, the number 100 is to draw up attention for engagement. Users will rarely search for 100 chicken coops, but this will demand their attention.
Numbers many time help to attribute weight to your articles. But remember to keep the promise.
3) Modifiers
Modifiers are words like “cheap”, “best”. They have a sneaky way of buying attention. Although some users deliberately include this word in their search queries. Majority of users get attracted to these words as they run through your article. A strateguc use of such words will draw attention and increase your click-through rate.
Great summary. I'm not quite sure what to do with a long tail keyword that extends beyond 60 characters - as they sometimes do. Also a quick question is a hyphen i.e. - considered a special character? I ask because some technical terms include hyphens, yet when those terms appear in Jaaxy and Google ranked keywords they don't have hyphens. So when I use the keyword in my title and text, grammerly is telling me to correct it, but I am guessing that if I do correct it and insert the hyphen then could that damage the keyword ranking? A simple example might make this easier to see what I am talking about. I just posted an article with the title
Stop loss stock strategies.
The grammatically correct term would be:
Stop-loss stock strategies
But the keyword phrase in Jaaxy and Google shows up as:
Stop loss stock strategies