3. Where to make use of lists in your blog posts

While using lists in your blog posts, there are certain places you should consider putting them in order to serve the purpose for which they are used.

As said earlier, readers desire lists in posts and they keep coming back to read your content once they always find in-depth information in them. Of all writing styles, list posts encourage more readership and enhances readability.

So, your posts will attract more readers if some lists are included. While adding lists to your blog posts, consider using them:

  • Where you want to pass some special ideas across to your readers.
  • After the introduction to summarize your content to the readers and lure them down the page.
  • To serialize properly where a post section is getting too long and, thus, may become boring for the readers.
  • When you want to link to some tools and resources.
  • In the middle of your posts, or towards the end of your posts where you want to give readers a specific direction to follow.

4. How to arrange lists in your blog posts

There are two basic ways to arrange lists in your blog posts:

  • Ordered list
  • Unordered list

An ordered list arranges items with numbers such as:

  1. Training resources
  2. Online coaching
  3. PayPal payment
  4. Legitimate income

"Ordered list" is the language used in HTML code with the code <ol> used for creating the opening label and the code </ul> used for creating the closing label. The ordered list can easily be created using the visual editor in WordPress.

An unordered list arranges items with bullet points unlike the ordered list which arranges items with numbers. See the example below:

  • Training resources
  • Online coaching
  • PayPal payment
  • Legitimate income

Like the ordered list, the term "Unordered list" is also the language used for it in HTML with the code <ul> used for creating the opening label, and the code </ul> used for creating the closing label. You can easily create these labels with the visual editor in WordPress at anytime.

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alan47 Premium
Great info and I have started using lists for reasons you have indicated. I have found personally that when a post appears rather long and have 't time to read all I tend to read the list mostly. Thanks again.
Israel17 Premium
Yes, you are very correct, my friend. When posts become so long, readers may not want to stay longer to read down the page. So, it's better to add lists to your content in strategic areas. Thanks for the visit!
ElaineSmith1 Premium
Hey Israel,
Thanks for creating this training. It's so useful!!

Tried and True

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the commitment, Elaine! Much grateful! Start adding lists to your posts to make it more readable to your readers. Thanks for the visit!