Wait a few hours before checking to see if indexed, it will not happen right away after clicking Got It. It will take a couple of hours. But to verify the page or any other content on your website is indexed, just go to Google and type your domain name with the word site and a colon : using no spaces like this site:domainname. See below image.

This will display every indexed page and post on your website, as well as those posts when represented by a blog post tag. This is why it is important to use relevant keywords in your blog post tags, so you can get indexed and ranked for them as well.

Then just scroll through the pages until you find your latest page or post. Normally depending when you do a site search for your new content shortly after indexing, it will display how long ago it was indexed. As seen in the above image, mine was indexed 8 hours prior to me checking.

And that is the easy 5-step process to index your content easily and quickly into Google. If you like this training, please show your love by clicking the Green “Like This” button below. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Check out a list of my other training tutorials here.


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NRichter Premium
Hello! I am wondering, do I have to sign in to this google console with my website email in order to see my website?? I signed ion with my google email account and it's wanting me to link my website by downloading a HTML and then uploading it onto my website
boomergp08 Premium
You cannot use Google Search Console to index your website content until you have connected and verified your website to GSC.
NRichter Premium
And I do that through uploading the HTML they want me to download to my site..? And how do I do that..?
boomergp08 Premium
Have you installed Google Analytics on your website yet? If yes, then did you follow Kyle's training on verifying Google Webmasters Tool (also known as Search Console)? It should be a quick verification that does not require uploading an HTML.
mbani Premium
I followed your training and all went well. I haven't posted in over a year and I'm wondering if I am being re-directed for this reason. I understand it takes several hours to be indexed but this seems unusual.

I also am noticing all my other requested indexing have disappeared from the newer GWT search console. Does this mean I need to re-index all my posts? thanks ahead.
Labman Premium Plus
resubmit your siemap
boomergp08 Premium
You can resubmit your sitemap like Craig (Labman) suggests but the reason I see in your provided screenshot for the redirects are that you are using the / mark in your Path.

For example the first URL Path says


It should be


Never have Google fetch a URL slug with the / mark in it. This will cause a redirect all the time.
mbani Premium
I resubmitted my sitemap a couple hours ago, however, I am still being redirected.

I also went into analytics and set the newer URL, the HTTPS version as my default address.

When I asked support what to do they told me to do things we were not trained to do here, at WA.

I know there are many ways to do the same exact thing but it is very confusing for someone like myself. The reason I love it here is its simplicity in directions.

Please let me know what I'm missing and if this support ticket is something I need to follow up on and where do I get the training to do it. Thanks!!

This is what support told me to do:
mbani Premium
I meant to say I submitted not resubmitted ...
boomergp08 Premium
I have yet to switch my websites over to https, so I do not know how this would effect Google Search Console, or Webmaster Tools, setup.

If you type https in the search bar above there are 3 training videos on https. One training by Jay explains how to setup your https website on Google Webmaster Tools. The link is below. Did you remember to remove the / marks from the content you are trying to index? These / marks will cause redirect problems if you try indexing links that have them.
mbani Premium
I sent out another Support Ticket request and they advised that I insert the / at the end of my slug to make it work for Fetch.

It is now working.

Thank you for the above training, I will definitely watch it.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. Good to know.
iZED Premium
I followed the steps you detail in this awesome training, and I think it's fine, just have a question (with screenshots). Would you have a look when you have a minute?
Thanks Rob!
boomergp08 Premium
I posted the answer on your blog. You are using www in your domain name and you cannot do that because it will cause problems with indexing.
AppleofGold Premium
Please help me figure out why a different screen comes up when I follow Step 2! I do not have any property showing up, even though I got the big announcement days ago that I had indexed the original new site. Why does a page come up that asks me to download this verification code: googledb4cc685a2adf78b.html] ? I had thought my new site was my property, have purchased a domain. The site name was not in the Console. Now that I want to index my newer pages I see no property to ad the last part of the page name, as instructed here. Thanks! Lynne
boomergp08 Premium
Have you gone through the training yet that shows you how to register and verify your website with Google Webmaster Tools/Search Console? It sounds like you are not yet set up to use this feature yet.
AppleofGold Premium
I read your training on G. Webmaster Tools, but am struggling with tech issue or something. The Console says I have no property, even though I got the big 'news flash' that I had indexed and Rubix Manager says it's indexed. When I try to use the Console and add the domain, I am directed to download a code and upload to my site. I do not know how to upload anything to my site. I think that training is coming later. I am only on Level 2, Course 2, Lesson 4. Thanks for asking. Do you have a suggestion to clarify your training in my case? If I need to clarify more fully I will try to walk myself through the steps again so I can describe what happens more clearly. Lynne
boomergp08 Premium
I was asking if you took the training by Kyle where he shows you how to register your website with Google Webmaster Tools. If you have not registered and confirmed, doing what I describe in my training will not work.

Follow Kyle's training at the link below.
AppleofGold Premium
Thanks Robert! I have now watched this training and not sure how I missed it. I will have to go back and see how I am missing some of the training. Must of got ahead of myself there. Thanks for taking the time to walk me back to the light! Lynne
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Lynne
AppleofGold Premium
Still no success! I watched that vid and another one as well. I think I 'came in the back door' on this. I had started the process when I heard about it and made some mistake. Now my screen does not look like Kyle's in the training. I have been away from my desk, but will take another look at it. Doesn't help that I woke up too early for the second time!
AppleofGold Premium
Got it! I used the Beta code this time! It's done. Good night!
boomergp08 Premium
ArtByHeart Premium
Really loved the insight about how long it takes things to get indexed. I was told it it was a matter of hour by the pros, so I was wondering if I did something wrong or if I was having a handicap with .biz instead of .com in my domain name (existing domain before joining WA)
boomergp08 Premium
The more mature a website is the quicker you get indexed but in order to get indexed within hours, regardless of the website age, doing a fetch as Google is needed.
ArtByHeart Premium
Thank you :-)
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome.