Finding a great Freelancer
It can be very exciting to find a copywriter that you can work with and that delivers on time and within your budget. I can tell you from experience that it is a rewarding way to grow your website, especially if you take the time to try a few different writers until you have a happy fit.
Once you are happy with the quality of the article then plan your marketing attack. Work out a weekly, monthly schedule of articles to begin filling out your website at a great rate. And don't forget a program for promoting every article on social media, this is so important!
Make sure that you have also installed an email collector as you want to be collecting all your traffic into subscribers as a sales tool.
I'm actually using a freelancer and we have a great relationship full of respect and admiration. I'm in awe of the quality and knowledge that he is adding to my website and plan to use a copywriter for the next 12 months. He is also helping me with promotion and I am learning so much behind the scenes information from him every day. I will keep you posted on the results as I am already seeing a rise in traffic and business.
Wishing you well on your journey.
Let me know if this tutorial helped and tell me if you have had any experience with employing a copywriter? I would love to hear your stories.
I decided to start off with copywriter software so I can get in the trenches and begin to learn to write content before I hire a writer. I just want to learn to write and tolerate it before I hire that responsibility over to a professional.
Israel Olatunji
There are also facebook groups, Pro Blogger is one off the top of my head.
Many are experienced and have samples of their work, prices are negotiable.
I use one every now and then.
The way I do it is, she writes the article, I add the links and photos. I also give her the title and keywords.
Often times we will discuss keywords to use as she has quite good knowledge of SEO.
They are out there and finding a good one is not too hard.
Many people rubbish Fiverr, but I have used it once or twice and was very pleased with the result I think it cost US$45.00.
The exchange rate was a lot kinder then.
A great post Lil,