Using Filters in Gmail & Canned Responses as Auto-Responder

What is a canned response?

Well, actually it's kind of Email Drafts that you determine and are able to choose from, when composing or replying emails at your convenience!

Imagine you will never, ever again have to rewrite (copy/paste) repeated answers!

So let's see how to create a Canned Response. First click on Compose to start writing an Email.

  • Write a Subject and compose the email Content with text, pictures and links (1)
  • when finished click at that little arrow (see pic 1a) down at the right corner
  • choose Canned responses from the selection (2) and then on the new context menu the New canned response...

  • a pop up opens up so you can name your canned response. The field is automatically filled with your Subject of the just created email. You can leave this as is or fill it with the name you want and that will help you to recognize it for later on when you will have to choose from the different Canned Responses you have created!

Now every time you compose or reply to an answer you can click on that small arrow down the right corner (1a) and choose from the canned responses you have created earlier (see Pic: X)

...Almost there, hang in, just a little bit more...

Now let's move forward to create the Filter for automated response! Click next chapter...

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ECamacho Premium
Thank you Dennis, very helpful information.
GlenPalo Premium Plus
Instead of telling your readers to put the keyword in the subject line, you can create a mailto: link with the subject line autofill method. Add a parameter to the email address ?subject="your keyword"

Put a mailto: link in your ad/email ad and ask they click the link to receive more info.

Using standard link formatting, add email link "mailto:name@yourdomain dot com?subject=Keyword You Selected"
SeahorseOne Premium
PERFECT!! Great contribution!!

I wanted to research about making a Lead/Squeeze-Page like Contact form with the email being the only thing to put in and send, which I am sure you can do but after a whole day producing this tutorial (took me longer than I thought - as usual) I ran out of time & power. So I was planning on doing an edit of that tutorial.

I wish I could pin your comment at the top, to be visible for all, but instead, I will put it in the Tutorial once I will edit it!

Thanks a lot @GlenPalo