Setting up a gmail account with vacation-responder

1. Click in your Gmail Account on the wheel (1) and then choose Settings (2)

2. Make sure to be in the Tab 'General' scroll down to Vacation responder then set it un on 'Vacation responder on' fill in subject and content

3. BEFORE YOU LEAVE make sure to scroll to the end and save your changes

In this 'Automated-Vacation-Response' you can fill in the Content (Like Resolution to a common problem of that specified Niche) in that way you can tell people (in forums or wherever) to send you an email to to send them the 'needed info / valuable content' back!

I forgot to mention in that same page, Settings, General (tab) scroll up again to find
Create contacts for auto-complete and set it on to ...add them to Other Contacts... to make sure you'll be able to export the contacts one day, when you wanna import it to a paid Auto-Responder-Service. (See picture below)

Also you maybe wanna set up a signature to make it look more professional & have the chance that they check you up on your other pages (Website, Social-Sites)

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ECamacho Premium
Thank you Dennis, very helpful information.
GlenPalo Premium Plus
Instead of telling your readers to put the keyword in the subject line, you can create a mailto: link with the subject line autofill method. Add a parameter to the email address ?subject="your keyword"

Put a mailto: link in your ad/email ad and ask they click the link to receive more info.

Using standard link formatting, add email link "mailto:name@yourdomain dot com?subject=Keyword You Selected"
SeahorseOne Premium
PERFECT!! Great contribution!!

I wanted to research about making a Lead/Squeeze-Page like Contact form with the email being the only thing to put in and send, which I am sure you can do but after a whole day producing this tutorial (took me longer than I thought - as usual) I ran out of time & power. So I was planning on doing an edit of that tutorial.

I wish I could pin your comment at the top, to be visible for all, but instead, I will put it in the Tutorial once I will edit it!

Thanks a lot @GlenPalo