"Ooh, it's shiny!" We all like shiny things, and that's especially true for anyone searching for something on Youtube.

Upon creating your Youtube Channel, it's going to be....blank. Let's fill in some stuff and make your channel look shinier!

  1. If you linked your Youtube Account to your Gmail account, click on the icon in the left hand corner where the "channel art" is, and go to G+ and fill out your information if missing. (they create a new page for you to describe.)
  2. Add some channel art appropriate to your niche. (Note: The channel art has to be somewhere around 2200 x 1100 pixels. I KNOW THAT IS HUGE!!! If you find an image you like, you can upsize it on Google, just type it enlarge jpeg or whatever, but it may be sort of pixelated...just keep this in mind.)
  3. Click on the About tab, and edit your description there. Make sure it's simple, but thorough. You want to give people as much information about your channel as you can, but not enough to put them to sleep.
  4. Add and organize your videos (we'll talk about that more in the next section).
  5. For multiple channels, start back at 1. rinse and repeat.

Having a nice, clean description, and a good layout will attract people to your Youtube Channel, which will increase your traffic to your videos. In the next part of this tutorial, we'll talk briefly about how to add videos to your account.

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AlyssaBaron Premium
Should I give the channel the same name as my website? And, if I have more than one website, can I have more than one YouTube channel?
Juneyo Premium
It would be good to name the channel the same as your website. As for your last question, I’m sure you can. 1 channel for 1 website sounds great. I’ve seen people having many channels using the same account.
AlyssaBaron Premium
Thanks Juneyo. I'll put it on my List to figure out
Juneyo Premium
You're welcome =)
JohnMks Premium
What free software would you recommend if you gonna make YouTube videos when you want to mainly film yourself? Or is it better to do it with your own camera do you think?
electrobot Premium
If you are using a webcam, you can just record your videos with the webcam and use YouTube's built in features for loading the video.
If you need screen capture software to record actions you are doing on your computer, I have found http://www.movavi.com/ to be a good resource.
If the video is just you talking, a webcam built into your monitor would probably be enough.
kingdras Premium
Thanks for that response electrobot. Also, if you are looking to record just your screen, and you have a mic say on your laptop (if you have a desktop then you can purchase one online for cheap), then you can use ScreenCast-o-Matic to record screen software. They always do it for free. and I haven't had any trouble with them either.
JohnMks Premium
Thank you, but how do I start a recording with the webcam?
JohnMks Premium
Thank you for the great training kingdras!
RJScot Premium
Hi great timing on this training. I am just about to start creating my major website and videos will be a large part of it. Your posting will help me to get organised from the start.
kingdras Premium
Glad to hear it. As I continue my venture with Youtube videos, I'll be adding some more here and there :)
Anewcreature Premium
Your instructions is quite solid and clear. Thanks for the training!
kingdras Premium
Thanks! Hope it helped!
Shawn Martin Premium
Very nice wok and simple to follow. :)
kingdras Premium
Good deal!