
The benefits of the custom ads is that it gives you total control over the products that are displayed on your page. Offering complete customization with no worries at all that Amazon may display a product completely unrelated to your content.


You run the risk of displaying an ad for a product that may no longer be in stock. Say for example you choose a product, and a year or two down the line the product is either no longer made, or no longer sold on Amazon. You run the risk of sending your visitors to a listing that they cannot purchase, which is an easy way to lose a sale, unless they happen to do their own search once on the Amazon Website.

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Spaced Premium
Thanks for this informative post, Jennifer.
I have a question and a con to add, if you do not mind:

Question: say I configure an Amazon Native Custom Ads featuring 2 or more products, does it count as a single advertisement or as a multiple one? I am asking this in order to avoid being seen as a bridge site by Google.

Con: Prices do not match more often than not.
Having total control over products is great, but I have happened to advertise products costing 50 $, only to find out they were priced at 400$ or more.
My understanding is that Amazon does not pick the very same product that you intend to advertise, but the most expensive unit available.

Very many thanks in advance for your time and reply,

On a separate note, the Site Stripe Custom Ads is off limits for me atm: I click on "Custom" and nothing happens.
It stopped working days ago, all of a sudden.
I contacted Amazon Support and they replied they reported the issue to their technical team. Nothing has changed so far.
mottomoerai Premium
When I am doing a specific product review, I do not use native ads. I use the product link instead without the price tag but just the image. If you used Native ads in your specific product review, it will display other products aside from the product you are reviewing. Native ads are best used in a post that does not pertain to a specific product since it generates ads based on the nearest keywords it find.
smokeywins Premium
The Custom ads will display on your page as one "ad block". Identical to how either the REcommended or Search ads will display, so there should not be any concern about it being seen as multiple ad's on your page.

As for the pricing, I personally have not used the Custom ads, I'm primarily using the Search ads at this time. From what I can tell Custom ad's should give you control over which items are displayed, but one never knows how exactly Amazon does things.
If you are looking to advertise a specific product I would use the link for just that product on your page, as opposed to the custom ads. I've been using the search ads as a means to display products relevant to the content of my page. For example, a post about "chemo hair loss" and I have a search ad displaying "chemo caps".

As for the site stripe issues. Yep, there is an issue. There are multiple posts in the Amazon affiliate forums. You can still create the ads by going to, and navigate to the Native Shopping ads, and Create custom ads.

Hope that helps!
Spaced Premium
It truly does Jennifer thank you, a very exhaustive reply!
smokeywins Premium
Happy to help! :-)
Spaced Premium
Hello Dan and thanks for your suggestion.
Actually the post being discussed is not a review, but a simple story. Anyway I will take your comment into account.
Thanks again! :-)
TommyVTE Premium
Thanks great learning need to sit down for my site and next blog
smokeywins Premium
Happy to help!
lesabre Premium
Thank you.
smokeywins Premium
Always happy to help!
merlynmac Premium
Excellent post, one I would have love to have seen about a month ago when I deployed the native ads. For the life of me I could not get native ads to work right but I did deploy the search ads and I love them.

I do use Ad Insterter as I love the control it gives me for placement and such.

Thanks again. This will definitely help people out when they go to deploy Amazon native ads in their site(s).
smokeywins Premium
I just spent hours yesterday trying to figure out why my "Recommendation" ads were not working, when they worked fine months ago. That struggle alone prompted me to write this training as I know I'm not the only one who has probably spent more time than needed trying to get these ads to work.

Glad that it helps!