Author LynneHuy
Rank 1777

This is a question that I see regularly on WA - how to change your blog roll to show a summary of your post instead of the full post.

Follow the video to see how to change these settings.

Related training:

How To Add A Featured Image To Your Blog Post

If you have any questions please leave a comment below this video.

UPDATE: If you have Twenty Seventeen or Twenty Sixteen themes this training won't work... but check out this solution:

How To Force Your Blog Roll To Show Post Excerpts Using Read More Tag

This resolves the problem I was talking about in my video.

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ascordilis Premium
Another excellent video, and a solution found in the second one with Marion's training - WA is amazing! Thanks for your persistence with this Lynne, I feel so confident about my website now :)
Its a great feeling!
LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure! I am so glad this is sorted now, I know it was bugging you big time LOL
AlenkaV Premium
Great training, thank you! :)
Maddy55 Premium
Thankfully my Theme makes it easy, but I did not know how until I started playing around with my Theme's admin. I got a little help from Marion Black too, as she uses the same Theme as mine. This training is great. I tried a different Theme with my second website but it would not allow full size photos on the full post,. I gave up and went back to my Weaver extreme Theme :) For a full year, I did not know why my Website did not have the excerpt style, and I wondered what a featured image was,( I knew I must be missing something! ). This training is needed here, even if it does not work with every Theme. It will get people thinking and trying out new things, like I did :)
LynneHuy Premium
Thanks Marilyn :) Yes every theme is different and there are times when I do my nut in with a new website and new theme but there is always a solution.... eventually :)

And yes I love Marion's training!
gilliank Premium
Thank you Lynne! You mentioned me (haha). I have the 2017 Theme as well :( Hopefully, someone has an answer.
LynneHuy Premium
Ooohhhh noooo! Now we have 2 people with that problem. What a pain in the ass. You know I was researching different ways to do that and some of the suggestions were to edit CSS - eek like not my forte and scary stuff. Plus then have to learn how to add a child theme and I don't understand how that works :( Or other option was to add a plugin in and edit each post to show an excerpt - not exactly user friendly or viable long term. I wouldn't want to have to manually make each post an excerpt when publishing it. I hope someone gives a more viable solution

Maybe this is something we should ask Kyle or support? They may have the solution.

I'm so sorry but if you have the same theme then I doubt this will work :( It is the only theme I have come across that it doesn't work with.
gilliank Premium
The question is, how do I ask Kyle? I only have 12 articles so far, maybe I should switch themes... I did edit the css for my adsense and I was very uncomfortable with that. I did not make a child theme. Afterwards I got a plug in to do that for me.
The training was great and very comprehensive. Not really sure what to do now but I am sure I will figure it out.
gilliank Premium
LynneHuy Premium
I tried that option with Antheas and it did not work....
gilliank Premium
hmmmm. It worked with mine but I haven't figured out how to move them and delete them yet..
LynneHuy Premium
Oh maybe I must try again. What are you trying to move and delete?
gilliank Premium
Well, I wasn't happy with where I put the read more insert and so I thought I would just delete it and re-insert it but I couldn't figure out how so I just moved the text inside of the post!
LynneHuy Premium
I just watched the full video, it was a different one I watched the other day.... OMW I think this might be it!
LynneHuy Premium
YES YES YES... this is it... thank you so much! I love this place.
gilliank Premium
It is always so exciting to me when I learn how to do something. Her lesson just forgot to tell us how to remove it and move it!
LynneHuy Premium
LOL ok well I can play around with it and see if I can figure that out or just comment on her video and ask her.
bpais1 Premium
Very detailed and understandable training, Lynne!

