I hope you all enjoy this video tutorial that is focused only on featured images as there seems to be some confusion about what a featured image is and where to put it.
So Steve, this is for you. A featured image will show up on your blog roll along with the heading and a short description of your post.
It will brighten up your blog roll and make it more enticing to click on.
A post image is added on in the main section of that post. A featured image is added in by scrolling down the right hand side of your post, below your categories and tags section.
You can upload a new image or you can use one from your media library. Each theme has a different optimal size for the featured image so do a search for that, contact the theme creator or play around until you find the right size.
Here is some more training on how to add images correctly to Wordpress: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/how-to-ad...
I hope you have found this useful, please let me know if you have any questions and I will happily help you!
Not sure if you answered this question in the video, but do the "featured images" show up when the reader clicks to read the complete post?