I want to change my page title, but I have so much content written I don’t want to delete the original post and then recreate it just so the permalink will be correct. This can be done by clearing the page/post slug* field of the original permalink.

This is what the original post looks like:

I have decided that I want to make a modification to my page title. I don’t have to delete the original post and recreate it in order to change the title. I can do this by clearing the permalink slug.

I have changed the page title from “Great Day in America” to “Great Day at WA”. Then I removed the page slug completely and clicked on “Update”. The permalink will automatically update to the new page title as shown below.

The “Edit Post” page will now only show a post that is titled “Great Day at WA”.

Easy Steps to Changing a Post or Page Title to a New Name

Step 1: Change the page/post title first.

Step 2: Click on “Edit” next to the permalink field.

Step 3: Delete the page slug field is the section that shows after the website name and represents the page/post title.

Step 4: Click “Update”.

Step 5: The permalink will automatically update the page/post slug field to reflect the new page title.

Step 6: Click “Update”.

Use caution with this method because if you change a page/post slug after it has been published there could be a risk of creating broken links in search engines or other websites that may be linked to the original page or post.If that happens, you will need to do a 301- redirect** to point the old links to the new updated links.

*Sidebar Note:A page or post slug represents the title (name) of your page or post and is the phrase that follows the website name in a permalink.

**Sidebar Note:If you ever need instruction regarding how to do a 301-redirect, check out this training link on the subject.


Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to check out this training.I hope you found it to be useful.


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albinchero Premium
This article is helpful, thanks.
verna8767 Premium
Thnak you. I'm glad you found it to be useful.
AllWays Premium
Thank You Verna, very helpful!
verna8767 Premium
Great! Thanks for checking it out. Glad you found it to be helpful.
MichaelDJ Premium
I agree
felixcat Premium
I have just restarted a blog I was unhappy with. What I have noticed is I now have the date in my permalink, Should I change this in settings to custom in order to erase the date portion of the permlink.
verna8767 Premium
The only way I would alter the permalink settings would be if it was something other than what is shown in the above image. The custom structure should be ticked and in the white box it should show /%postname%

If your custom structure is correct in the permalink structure, then you can follow the examples to change the permalink for your posts/pages as shown in the training.
peterzichun Premium
Just what I needed to get more clarity on this. Thanks
verna8767 Premium
Glad I was able to clarify it a little better for you.
Mac01 Premium
I created a new post recently and misspelt the word "entrepreneur" (as "entrepreur"!)... so I may need to revisit this training to make the correction. Thanks for this!
verna8767 Premium
You are very welcome.
rodeves Premium
Nice work. Thank you!
verna8767 Premium
Thank you. Hope it will be useful to you.
verna8767 Premium
You are welcome. Glad to help.