Make sure you do a back up in your normal way before you go changing things.

Just in case.

Now for those who have never backed up their WordPress sites please refer to the link below where Kyle explains how to do the back up for your website.

If you still have issues with back up or not sure post a question to all the community so all can see and then you will get an answer. You can click the pen top right and then select question and away you go someone will come and help.

This back up is important before any plugins you may need to try, change or adjust.

The steps below relating to Google Analytics should not be an issue but always good to get into the habit of backing up your work before you do an major service even some minor changes.


OK now that part is done lets get to what we came for.

Getting rid of these pesky Referral spams from your Google Analytics Dashboard.

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Lady May Premium
It's important to delete unused plugins & themes via FTP not WP dashboard. This is because some indiscriminates bury themselves in other parts of wp.content.php
Jenna7 Premium
I never realized this. Is it simple to do via FTP/don't you need something Filezilla to do this or is that for other site things?

Thank you.
Lady May Premium
Yes you do, download Filazilla, get your password on WA under SiteRubix. Under folder httpdocs you should find wp.content.php for plugins and themes. It's easier than it sounds and if you tried lots of plugins and themes, then you might find something in there that should be there.
Jenna7 Premium
Thank you so much!
Have a great day. :)
SoupGypsy Premium
Andre, what an amazing lesson.. You really worked hard and methodically for this one. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in developing this lesson for the benefit of many. I certainly pray you no longer are plagued with the shenanigans of this group of pirates. BTW, I love the font you use at the end of each post. Very nice to read and look at. donna
2Achieve Premium
Really good data... thank you. I've had my online product business with the same contact info and (800)# for over 12/yrs without ever experiencing the following; just this past July, we began getting spammed via phone call/hangup in 4 seconds. That is the minimum time before a charge is incurred. Initially we received 2 to 4 or 5 per day... and in November til today it exceeds 15 -20/day. If we had not been grandfathered from the original phone company we'd be paying flat rate for each call over $250/mo insted of $49/mo. So the spammers are hitting our contact us data; emails & phone, siphoning from membership sites even through many have captcha codes they can break (not all, but enough)... it is a never ending battle!! Cyber terrorism is well entrenched unfortunately. Heck, banks, big box stores, Sony, our Government... they've all been hit and talk about DEEP POCKETS and some of the best IT people out there... well it is an ever evolving concern. Good article for sure but ending it isn't possible as they'll always find a tiny opening. It is all about the digital world!
TopAchiever Premium
This is a great heads up on Google Analytics antics and Russian Spammers.... or it could be a double-cross agent from anywhere in the world! :-) We appreciate your input and help to keep up to date with a clean site safe from hackers intrusions!
Larry MaC Premium
Very useful knowledge thanks for sharing