Knowing your target audience and what they're looking for is the first ket to getting more traffic.
Many bloggers think they are God’s gift to their readers.
It's true.
Instead of staying on topic, they post about all sorts of personal things that aren't relevant to their niche, thinking their readers will love reading all about them.
Sure, they may have close personal friends who will follow their posts no matter what they write about. But as for the masses out there in cyberspace, they probably don’t care about your cool, new iPhone case.
That is, unless your blog is about cool, new iPhone cases.
It’s ok to sprinkle in details that add a personal touch, just don’t get carried away.
Your blog should be centralized around a singular theme or niche. Need a little help nailing it down to one central idea? Follow Kyle's training on how to find a profitable niche. He shows just how profitable even the tiniest niche can be.
So when you choose your niche, STICK TO IT and STAY RELEVENT TO IT. Your readers will appreciate this and follow you because they’ll know what to expect in future posts.
This is the beginning to building a loyal reader base and building traffic.