Burst By Shopify

The second website is Burstby Shopify.


  • Easy to navigate and search for images
  • Designed with e-commerce in mind because it is after all through Shopify.
  • You do have the option of not giving them your email address but you will only get access to low resolution images.
  • There is a Collections section with certain industries listed which can be helpful when designing niche websites and you need specific industry-related images.


  • For high resolution images, you have to give them your email address.
  • I mentioned the Collections section above under pros, however, it is my opinion the Collections section is limited. For example, they have an Animals industry but only for cats and dogs. There are no listings for Farm Animals, Forest Animals, Wild Animals, Marine Animals, Zoo Animals, Horses, Insects, etc. Only for Pets and only cats and dogs. Other industries that are not listed are:
    • Medical / Health
    • Entertainment / Movies / Theater
    • Military / Government
    • Retirement / Senior Citizens
    • Literature / Books
  • Relevancy is lacking within the search function of Burst. For example, I entered "People at Restaurants Laughing" and the entire first page results were all food photos. No people. No restaurants. Only food pictures on the entire first page and yet "food" was not one of the keywords I entered. Another example is I entered "babies crying" and the first three images I got back in return were of three adult men crying. Of all of the baby photos, none of them were crying. They were all either sleeping or smiling. Only the three men were crying as shown here in the screen shot:

I could make a comment about what Shopify must think about the pains of fatherhood, but we won't go there. LOL!

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WindyCityUSA Premium Plus
Thank you for this.
wendyg53 Premium
Are there any terms and conditions on these sites. Sometimes free means you have to link back to the site or credit to the photographer. Great info, thank you!
Happy2Learn Premium
Thanks steph. Great information
MKearns Premium
Great picture Steph. Every time I see you active makes my day!:))
Rae-1965 Premium
Thanks Steph, I was really getting tired of the same old pictures. No uniqueness. That's changing I see.