Now we are ready to start putting in our email campaign.
Click on the tab Messages:
The first message we want to set up is our beginning message. This is the first contact the subscriber is going to have with you. Be sure to make this one special and you want to build up intrigue. Keep them looking for your emails!
Click on "Create Your First Follow Up"
I am going to use the example email I set up earlier for this example.
Insert Your Subject line. You want to make it so that they recognize it is coming from you.
I am going to put my name and the email mini course name as well as #1. You can also personalize the subject by hitting the personalize button. You can add their name or anything else you would like. You want your subject to be something they recognize as being what they signed up for.
Play around with the editor and get it just right. Here is what mine looks like:
Try your hand at setting up your additional messages.
You now have everything you need to start running your email mini course.
Don't forget to put your code on your webpage for your visitors to sign up!
Conclusion on next page :)