The Power of YouTube

If you have reviewed any of my WA blogs and perhaps other training, you'll know that I highly recommend the use of videos to help drive traffic to a website. Since YouTube was acquired by Google a few years ago, it has grown in SEO strength and is now the SECOND Largest Search utility on the internet.

People love to learn by video. Don't think of YouTube as simply songs and music video platform. It can very well become your primary source of revenue Or traffic. Many online marketers use YouTube alone to create massive wealth. I'm not saying you should drop everything and rush over there to learn how to do this. I'm simply saying you might wanna learn enough of this traffic-driving powerhouse to reap the benefits to help you reach your already established goals.

What this tutorial is all about

I remember when I first became a blogger and wanted to begin earning money online. WordPress was my platform of choice, but even with it's great interface, to a noob, there are a few key challenges. One is embedding a video correctly.

There are several free plugins to help you do this. Also, typically, within WordPress, many themes make it a bit easier. But, the method I'm about to reveal to you works every time, regardless of WordPress version, theme installed and without an yet another plug-in that might slow down your website.

This is a quick, easy YouTube video embed method. Anyone can do it.

The only prerequisite is that you have a video on YouTube already. If not, it STILL is beneficial to you to use a niche- or post-related video from YouTube (not yours) to help your SEO.

Okay, so let's get started!

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parvine Premium
Thank you PJ for sharing.
Have a blessed day.
Jrowlands Premium
Hi PJ, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge!
This is very helpful.
Have a great day
IMc Premium
Why not just cut & paste the YouTube URL into your blog post? As WordPress will then embed it & choose suitable size automatically.
EKautz Premium
Sure but then we don't get to use the cool trick at the end. :-)
IMc Premium
But you wouldn't need to use the 'cool trick' as you can see where the video is. No need to mess about typing HERE etc.
EKautz Premium
lol - I get it. But cool tricks are, well, cool. :-)

I thought if you embed videos they don't work right, have I been mislead on this?
PjGermain Premium
Hi Ian, with many templates, the built-in WordPress embed doesn't seem to work correctly. The cut and paste method has worked every time for me. And, yes, as Eric mentioned, there's that wee trick at the end that I thought would be most helpful.
EKautz Premium
You know that trick will work for other things too like marking where you want to drop in an Amazon ad or the like. :-)
MichaelBaker Premium
Great tutorial as always - well done. Cheers, Michael
EKautz Premium
Beautiful Peej! This is awesome! I love the trick too! So simple.
