My Quick Tip for Video Placement
I used to be able to hop into WordPress, write a long article (in Visual mode) and then switch to the Text mode and scan down the code and fine where I wanted to insert the video with Zero issues. As I have aged a bit, my eyes aren't as good as they used to be.
So, here's a trick I've been using for years.....
AFTER you have the video embed code as described in the previous pages of this tutorial, go to your page or post and find where you want to place the video
Hit the Enter key to give yourself some space.
Type the word HERE
Center it.
Then, give yourself another line or two for more spacing (hit Enter again.)
So, you'll have something like this:
Then, when you switch over to the Text view. Simply scan down the code searching for the word HERE.
Often, I'll make it stand out even more by typing this:
Then, I just replace that with the video embed code and switch back to Visual mode and you'll see this:
Then, simplyPublish and BOOM you're done!
As always, I hope this wee tutorial was helpful!
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