Step 1: Determining Video Placement

While this may sound really simple, I feel it's important to cover. The key here is to be sure you know where you want to place the video. Having this predetermined ahead of time helps cut to the time to implement this method down to about 30 seconds (with practice).

Due to the latest Google algorithm changes, I would recommend placing the video just below the initial page "fold". So, the first thing the web visitor and search engines see is keyword rich content. Then, as they begin to scroll down, the video will be revealed. This is most suitable for pages and posts. There are different considerations for landing pages.

Step 2: Getting the correct Code

After placement choice has been made, go to YouTube and find the video you wish to embed into your page or post.

Just below the video, you'll notice a Share option.

This is where the magic begins.

Click the Share link.

Excellent! Let's move on....

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parvine Premium
Thank you PJ for sharing.
Have a blessed day.
Jrowlands Premium
Hi PJ, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge!
This is very helpful.
Have a great day
IMc Premium
Why not just cut & paste the YouTube URL into your blog post? As WordPress will then embed it & choose suitable size automatically.
EKautz Premium
Sure but then we don't get to use the cool trick at the end. :-)
IMc Premium
But you wouldn't need to use the 'cool trick' as you can see where the video is. No need to mess about typing HERE etc.
EKautz Premium
lol - I get it. But cool tricks are, well, cool. :-)

I thought if you embed videos they don't work right, have I been mislead on this?
PjGermain Premium
Hi Ian, with many templates, the built-in WordPress embed doesn't seem to work correctly. The cut and paste method has worked every time for me. And, yes, as Eric mentioned, there's that wee trick at the end that I thought would be most helpful.
EKautz Premium
You know that trick will work for other things too like marking where you want to drop in an Amazon ad or the like. :-)
MichaelBaker Premium
Great tutorial as always - well done. Cheers, Michael
EKautz Premium
Beautiful Peej! This is awesome! I love the trick too! So simple.
