The final components of my template: Giving and Downtime.

Giving, at least for me, is a critical part of life. From my perspective the universe does not revolve around us; instead we are part - an important part - of creation. Out of gratitude, I feel I need to give back. In giving back, I find that I receive so much more.

Here's how I apply that generality to my WA work time: I do give some of my available WA time back to the community - just like so many other generous members. I especially focus on two area: 1. Welcoming and answering the questions posed by newbies and 2. Celebrating other folk's successes. Make no mistake, I get a tremendous amount back from this activity. On any given day I devote 10-20% of my WA time to this activity.

WA activity can be quite time consuming and perhaps even addictive. I find it absolutely necessary to not focus "all the time" on my online business. It is very important to engage with others and do other activities. Thats why I've been referring to "WA time" throughout this training. Giving plenty of our day in loving service to our family, neighbor or the common good is not just altruistic. From my perspective, it is critically necessary.

Which brings me to the final point: Downtime.

We all need downtime, i.e. unstructured and re-energizing periods in our lives. Prayer, meditation, exercise are among these. One of the downtime activities that I pursue is my daily walk in nature. It provides me an opportunity for prayer, meditation and exercise all at the same time. Additionally, it's absolutely amazing to me how many times I get really good ideas for my websites that I can take back and act on in my "WA work time".

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2Al Premium
Thank you for sharing your system to overcome overwhelmed.
mjdimarco Premium
I hope you find some value in it.
RickBell57 Premium
Great to hear this. Makes some serious points. One thing I failed to do is allow myself some time off. Easy to burn yourself out and start to dislike being on the internet! Everything in a balance.
mjdimarco Premium
Thanks Rick. Balance is quite important.
jammysammy Premium
Thanks for the system outline, all we have to do now is put it in place!

Good Luck on your journey ;)
mjdimarco Premium
Thank you!
Defiant6 Premium
Gosh going through all that was wonderful. A lot of those things I've really started focusing on especially the giving back part. I regularly get on the WA chat and help with any questions people have that I can answer. It is a rewarding experience!
mjdimarco Premium
Indeed, there are some great rewards with the giving back part.
ChrisTowers Premium Plus
Great information here... thanks ... much appreciated

mjdimarco Premium
Thanks for reading!
ChrisTowers Premium Plus
Your Welcome :)