Make sure that your give top priority to education, training and interaction within the WA community. At the risk of stating the obvious: If you are new to WA, you will need to devote a significant chunk of your time to the wonderful and systematic training offered here.

Part of your education will consist of interaction within the WA community. I make it a point to give some time each day skimming through all the new posts and questions. Select those that resonate with you; read them, learn from them and interact. If you don't get it, ask questions.

I do not let the education and interaction part of my template take up all my time. That's why I skim the new blog and questions each day and select those that resonate with me. I need to make sure I have time for the other major activities: Creating, Marketing, Giving and Downtime

Pay particular attention to the blogs and comments offered by the Ambassadors. I have learned much from them.

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2Al Premium
Thank you for sharing your system to overcome overwhelmed.
mjdimarco Premium
I hope you find some value in it.
RickBell57 Premium
Great to hear this. Makes some serious points. One thing I failed to do is allow myself some time off. Easy to burn yourself out and start to dislike being on the internet! Everything in a balance.
mjdimarco Premium
Thanks Rick. Balance is quite important.
jammysammy Premium
Thanks for the system outline, all we have to do now is put it in place!

Good Luck on your journey ;)
mjdimarco Premium
Thank you!
Defiant6 Premium
Gosh going through all that was wonderful. A lot of those things I've really started focusing on especially the giving back part. I regularly get on the WA chat and help with any questions people have that I can answer. It is a rewarding experience!
mjdimarco Premium
Indeed, there are some great rewards with the giving back part.
ChrisTowers Premium Plus
Great information here... thanks ... much appreciated

mjdimarco Premium
Thanks for reading!
ChrisTowers Premium Plus
Your Welcome :)