Oh my, it feels like a marathon to get to this point doesn't it?

Don't worry, the more you do this the more it become second nature. I can wizz through to this point now in about an hour. You might be thinking OMG an hour before I make a final choice on my keywords?? But really why waste time writing when you don't stand a chance of ever ranking?

So now you have a lot of information in front of you. You can see what is popular, what is trending, what other people are writing about, how strong the competition is for each keyword...now you can make an informed decision.

Make a final decision on your main keyword. Choose maybe 2 other secondary keywords.

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Pisquali Premium
Thanks Lynne
johnwnewman Premium
A lot to think about! Thanks Lynne :-)
ANarata Premium
Thank you for making this
carpediem1 Premium
Thanks, this is really helpful.
EFors Premium
Thanks, for sharing a good training. I have bookmarked it! :))