This tutorial will cover the things that I personally do each time I write a post. Some of the steps I leave out depending on the situation and what my goals are, but in most cases I follow this checklist step by step in the order I have written it for you.

Also bear in mind that this tutorial may refer to things you haven't heard of before, just do a quick search in WA for more information on that topic or pop a question in the comments and I will give you a link to other training or give you an explanation.

This training comes in after you have decided the topic for a particular post. This does not cover coming up with an idea for a topic, but it will help you with deciding what points to cover in your post and it may even lead your topic off in a completely new direction, possibly even providing you with ideas for new content that you can add to your website.

You've chosen your topic now what?

The first thing I do is jot down on a piece of paper the main theme of my post topic and then I write down the main points I want to cover in my post.

And yes I do it on a piece of paper, I'm not sure why but this seems to work really well for me. I love physically writing things down. I have an A4 book that lives next to me wherever I go and I write anything and everything in it, from ideas to notes from training that I find useful.

In fact this training I am writing now comes out of my many notes in this book. It's a messy little book and I have loads of them now, all full of little golden nuggets.

That is all I do in my first step. I just write down what I think I'm going to write about. When I am finished my research and planning it is always interesting to see what I write compared to what I think I'm going to write!

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Pisquali Premium
Thanks Lynne
johnwnewman Premium
A lot to think about! Thanks Lynne :-)
ANarata Premium
Thank you for making this
carpediem1 Premium
Thanks, this is really helpful.
EFors Premium
Thanks, for sharing a good training. I have bookmarked it! :))