It is now time to work on your website.
You will now be creating the first of 3 new pages -- an Opt-In page.
The Opt-In page
There are 3 important parts to an opt-in page:
- Headline
- Benefits
- The opt-in form
Your HEADLINE is the most important part of your opt-in page.
- Make it catchy and powerful.
Make specific benefits into BULLETS that subscribers can skim fast.
- make generous use of POWER WORDS and NUMBERS.
- Offer something valuable that’s FREE to persuade people to sign up.
Once the Headline and Benefits are written, the opt-in form can now be installed.
Be sure to indicate the location for the opt-in form by entering something like "***** Opt-In Form *****" on your website.
Back to MailChimp!
As a new user to MailChimp, there is an Account verification screen you will pass through. Decide what is best for you.
Once you are into your account Dashboard, MailChimp will keep inviting you to complete some tasks.
They will be done in time, for now, click on Lists from the top menu bar.
On this screen, you will see the list that you have already created. Click on the list.
Until you have at least 1 subscriber on your list, you will taken to the screen that tells you that "You have no subscribers."
As before, click on the link to "setup a signup form".
This time, click on "Embedded forms"
You will see a preview of your form in the Preview panel.
You can always make changes, but for now, you will want to open a blank Notepad and then click on the box labeled "Copy/paste onto your site"
Instead of pasting onto your site, paste this code into your blank Notepad.
On the Notepad, find the part of the code that starts
<form action=
Copy from that point to the closing of the form code indicated by
On your website, be sure that you are working in "Text" editor rather than "Visual" editor.
Find the location you want the opt-in form to be -- marked by "***** Opt-In Form *****"
Paste the form code onto your website at that location.
Save a copy of your page and click on "Preview"
You have just created your 1st Opt-In Page!
You are free to select or de-select the Form options on MailChimp or select the "Super Slim" option.
As you make changes, the code will change, so copy/paste the code into Notepad, and then copy the form part of the code onto your website.
Alternately, you may want to test copying the entire code, but the form part is all you really need.
Once you are satisfied, save and publish your opt-in page.
Thank you adaba.