HTML codes & Scripts

Make a pop up text mouse hover over with HTML Training

2 useful codes to remove Theme by and Copyright Training

Add a background color to your website partially Training

There is a mouse on my website!

Change back to top button WordPress

Reach for the stars, they are right here

Display Designers on your website

HTML Copyright Year with hidden drop down text

Start a numbered list at any number

Create a website history archive - HTML codes Training

Cool HTML codes for websites Training

How to add a jump (anchor) link on same page Training

Cool free HTML codes for Beginners Training

Create easy HTML table - explained how to Training

Change colors WordPress menu separately (HTML) Training

Keep text and pictures next to each other Training

List of HTML codes, mouseover-image-text-borders Training

Add pictures, bordered, round, spaced, align, gallery Training

What do the rel attributes noopener and noreferrer mean

Make from any webpage an amazing notepad

How and why to add no follow and target blank

Proud to present aligned pictures all clickable on the website

Highlighting text -addition - Cool free HTML codes for beginners

HTML Special Symbol Codes

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Dhind1 Premium Plus
Thank you. I agree WA is a great spot and the best to get started earning.

Loes Premium
That´s right, the best:)
terrycarroll Premium
Awesome stuff as always Loes! This will be a great read in the train today
Loes Premium
Enjoy the ride Terry:)
terrycarroll Premium
Choo choo!
doobie333 Premium
Great info, as usual. That's why I make an effort to see your posts.
Loes Premium
Thanks Janina, nice to hear that:)
MKearns Premium
Thanks for this recap Loes. I cant get enough of archiving your training!
Loes Premium
You're welcome Michael, the list became too long for scrolling down
Steven-A Premium
i like this. thanks.
Loes Premium
Thank you, enjoy it Steven:)