Let's Upload Video To Mix
How To Upload Video To Mix
7/ To Upload Video To Mix, click on the Upload Video To Mix Icon and then click on the Next button to continue.
8/ It will indicate that it is loading, once finished loading it will ask you to Sign-In, click on the appropriate Sign-In option you prefer then click on This Is A New Mix, or click on Update An Existing Mix.
Click in the Enable Playback On Mobile Devices to view Offline, then click on the Next button.
It will show that it is creating your video and it may take a while to process.
How To Export Your Video
9/ To Export your Video, click on the Export Video Icon and then click on the down arrow to select the Video Size and Quality you prefer.
10/ Click on the Next button to continue, or click on Close to exit if you are unsure.
11/ When the File Explorer dialogue box opens, type in a name for your video remembering to select the correct folder, then click on the Save button.
12/ If there are any issues, it will come up with a further dialogue box in Format Video, advising you that it acknowledges your clipping of the video if you indeed did clip the video. Click on the Next button.
13/ The Format Video box will show a percentage bar of how far the Video has been created. More accurately, you will see a bar at the bottom of your screen that will show you how far the process is.This may take a while! So take some time to have a cup of coffee and a break!
14/ When the video has finished it will converted to an .mp4 - it seems this is VERY SLOW - if so make sure you save your work in PowerPoint so you can close the application and try again.
Now that we know how to Upload A Video Mix and Export A Video, let's Create An Audio Recording
I haven't been able to digest this entire tutorial, but I look forward to drilling down on this because its one aspect of my website development that I want to explore.
Thanks for taking time to create this. I will come back.