I’ve been successfully using the IconicOne Theme from WordPress® so for the sake of keeping things simple that’s what I went with, using SiteBuilder for the dirty work.

Next came the planning for the website. I opted to use a static front page that was basically the Welcome Page. On the Welcome Page I extended a welcome to the visitor then gave a brief overview of what the site was about. A short history of the product followed and I ended the page with a link to a set of YouTube videos on using the product (same one I looked at when researching the niche).

Then I added the Privacy Policy and the required Affiliate Disclosure, including the disclosure statement required by Amazon. I created the links for these two items on the Widget sidebar.

I clicked on the Save button to put it into play.

I probably spent more time on developing a logo for the site than I should have, but I knew what I wanted: something cartoonish, yet catchy that would easily convey the reason for the website’s existence.

My primary graphics software is Corel® Paint Shop Pro (PSP) Ultimate X9 and I love the way it does fonts and overall image development. I probably could have used it completely but the main cartoon character head lacked a driving cap that I wanted it to have.

I found the cap I wanted on Canva so I used it to upload my cartoon character’s head and then placed and tilted the cap until it suited me. Here’s the results of that effort:

Original cartoon character:

After adding the cap and tilting the character’s head a bit, I exported the image and brought it into PSP where I changed the color of the glasses to the lime green:

Then I thought he needed some kind of explosion behind him, so I used PSP to create it and mask it behind the character:

This is what I used as the basis for my website logo. After adding the logo it was time to start the monetization process.

Next Up: Sign up with reputable affiliates and add their products to the website.

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Swangirl Premium
That was great! Thanks for so much detail! I appreciate it.I have not done all those steps yet...like create my own logo. I want to though so your explanations will help.
immistermike Premium
Thank you, Jessica! I'm glad it helped you out!
Ovidiu Premium
Thanks for this!
All the best
immistermike Premium
You are welcome, Ovidiu! My gratitude for your best wishes!
GautamWorld Premium
Thanks for sharing. :)
immistermike Premium
You are welcome!
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing, Mr. Mike.
immistermike Premium
You're welcome!
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the training. Really appreciate your advice
immistermike Premium
You're welcome! Hope it helps!