Take Part

If you're approached to guest blog or collaborate in some way, be a reciprocal giveaway buddy, or take part in a chain-style blog tour, the easy answer would be to simply say "No"! This is usually because that it's another thing on your already busy schedule of things to do and think about, and that you just don't have the time. But STOP! Before you turn the offer down, consider the possibility of saying "Yes"!

Being willing to take part, even if you're not sure what the payoff will be (if any), helping other people out, getting involved in YOUR community, agreeing to interviews, instigating ideas to engage and excite others - these are all valuable activities that can help you grow your reputation when you're a relatively new blogger. Why do you think I am writing this tutorial? :-)

More established authors tend to limit their involvement in projects to those organized by their publishers. Or they may have won their "social smarts" in other ways, and have all the readership they can handle.

Want to collaborate?

Hopefully you found this tutorial useful and it has been the inspiration for new ideas. To practice what I preach, I'd be delighted to collaborate with any of you good WA community people. Or we can at least reciprocate a member "follow"! (Click on my profile and click the 'Follow' button, and I'll do the same back).

To this end, I look forward to working and engaging with you all very soon.

Thanks for reading.


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elrino Premium
That is a very interesting input
SeanGreentre Premium
Thank you. Glad you liked it.
LouisaB Premium
Recognize and Reward
All four of the human approach can definitely be a positive influencer. They can sure add credibility where It's due.

Fantastic tutorial!!!
Thanks for sharing.
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Louisa. It's my first one here at WA so I'm pleased it's going down well :-)
subcpo14 Premium
Good read. Thanks. Jay
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Jay. I really appreciate the kind feedback.
MKearns Premium
I've paid it forward to special friends to help on their sites. It's a great experience!
SeanGreentre Premium
Indeed Mike. It's a great system we have here at WA and it's a classic example of what I am talking about in this tutorial. We are very lucky to have such power at our fingertips.
IvyT Premium
Lovely post. I think this human approach is one of the points of difference this online community and course/products has. It's not a bad model to learn from!
SeanGreentre Premium
Thank you Ivy. I'm glad you found it useful. And yes, you're right. The WA community are all genuinely lovely people and very easy to network with. I love it here. Glad you do too.