7. Links
SEO is incomplete without links. There are three types of links you should be thinking about: backlinks, external, and internal.
Internal links are to your content or posts on your website. These links are useful for SEO as they direct Google (and readers) to the content that complements what they were reading about. Make sure you add links to other pages and posts whenever you create something new (1 – 7 Internal links are good). These links are also known as "contextual" links.
External links are links to pages that aren't on your website. By adding a link to a similar article from page one in Google you will encourage backlinks to your website. If you do decide to use them, ensure that they open in a new browser. (Usually, I add a Wikipedia link to the creator of the product that I am reviewing and two first-page Google articles, that open in a new window.)
Backlinks are links from other websites that lead to your website. These backlinks can be counted as votes for your website and help with SEO.
8. Image Optimization
You can improve your SEO with the images you choose to use on your website. WordPress makes it easy to optimize images. Make sure you have alt text and a description of your image (for the visually impaired, Google likes this) that you upload to your website.
Alt text and a description are important, but make sure your image is correct in size. Uploading large images to your site rather than the required size can slow down your website.
Kraken is already installed but if this isn’t working well enough for your website, you can change to Smush or even Resize your images before loading them in BeFunky. I find that resizing to 1000 x 250px about 75 – 100kb helps immensely to speed uploading.