There are times when you'd like to return to a specific blog or training at Wealthy Affiliate, but unless you bookmark its location there's a good chance you'll lose track of it!
Internal bookmarking system at WA
There is an internal bookmarking system here at Wealthy Affiliate. Carson explains it well at https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/carson/blog/a-new-...
That internal bookmarking system served me well - until the number of pages I was trying to save extended past the bottom of my browser page. I found that I occasionally had trouble scrolling down to access bookmarks at the bottom of the list.
I found I had to resort to conventional bookmarking, using the bookmarking system built into Firefox. All browsers have the capability to save an organized list of your favorite sites, and should be able to accommodate your needs.
You can bookmark comments too!
I tend to run on and on when responding to questions, so I like to be able to reference my answers later, for a couple of reasons:
- I may use the material in the answers as fuel for a blog post - I have comments run to 700 words!
- I may want to refer others to my previous answer - so I don't feel the need to write another lengthy response if the same question comes up.
You may find you'd like to bookmark a comment of interest, especially if it's somewhere in the middle of hundreds of comments on a page that Kyle or Carson made available to the entire membership.
Regardless of the reason, there is a way to bookmark comments - even if it is a bit more work. Skip forward to about 1:38 in the video above to see how it's done.
Best of luck in your efforts!
At least I now know for sure that some of my trainings have been bookmarked by you. I saw one of my training tutorials in your Firefox list. Awesome! :-)