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Hi Guys

Maybe you will read and say i am a little silly for what i have been doing but lets see what you think.

Wednesday this last week there was an email from someone claiming i had done a competition on facebook which was incorrect.

I played along with this but wanted to try and link this guy so that i could find out more i managed to get the link so i kept this person active talking until i knew i had enough information to hand to the police and stop this person or people from getting other information from others.

He had been on one of my facebook and taken a photo of myself and my partner also soe old information about me so he had dug where he thought he may win.

He then asked for my address and bank details i told him i do not give out any details he promptly said i can prove that there are such accounts that i can send you the money from the winnings on facebook again i was checking everything but not one thing matched.

I kept this person going he had sent me photos making out they were him i checked these out and they were no name or pictures of this guy anywhere.

So i decided that i would play this guy at his own game and asked for the money he said that he had for me he again said i need an address and a phone number my reply to him was buckingham palace, London, England.

Whoever this guy is has a shock coming to him i have put all the mail and as 2018 someone also tried to scam me i have enough evidence i hope to hand over 35 email and an email that comes up as an ok address.

I took the pleasure of taking the micky out of him as well

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Well done Tracey. Not silly at all you have helped to get rid of another scammer.

Hi Linda

Thank you, people, do need to know what is going on and just how many people are getting scammed and more needs to be done to stop it.
Thank you for your support.

When I was on FB a lot any scams I knew about went on there so people would know and be aware.

Love it....Have to be so careful these days...Jen

Hi Jen

Thank you

Great post, Tracey! Be careful!

Hi Jeff
Thank you

I intend to be careful, really fed up with these nasty thieves and i enjoyed doing what i done when i hand this over along with other things i will be happy that maybe the police will do something.

I hope they take care of it, Tracey!

Me too

Exposing these fraudsters and sharing the stories will help reduce the numbers of victims.
Good job.

Hi Ahimbe
Thank you
These people need to be stopped but it takes people to recognise these fraudsters.

What happened to you is happening to a lot of people on social media, If a person notices that something is not right, its best to block that person immediately and report the account. Its a waste of time busing yourself with that, because there are millions of scams out there growing like grass. Social media companies are better equipped and have customer service departments that deal with these issues daily. Your precious time is best invested in your business. see it as an experience you learned from and keep on moving. It's good you shared that thumbs up.


It was not on my facebook he went to my email and yes block the person but they will come back with another identity so i fed him or her and did some searching to get enough to search his email which is when i said about the fraud squad taking the information to the police.
I am not wasting my time i helped someone just over a year ago stop someone who was claiming to be them.
I won't sit down and let these people take other's hard-earned wages and savings.

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