On The Road Again, ....
"Before moving forward, .... Why not ask those Returning."
Just to mention two impotant peopls here that put there heart and soul into this WA have attracted many Masters, Internet Marketeers, and all those seeking to be self employed are in a position to serve this community of "NEWBIES". So there is no other place to be than WA, that's IF (small word, with a big meaning) IF you are willing to implement, ask and take ACTION now with those who have achieved this. I have come to a decision that I must follow a training programme that will take me through simple steps or should I say techniques to improve my skills more effective by following well constucted courses. WA have so much to offer from those who are new and those who are Internet Marketeers already, you will be able to view all this material like different classrooms, subjects, topics of discussion, etc. There is thousands of hours of video content to show you a Step-By-Step (Watch my Screen,---- Look over my shoulder) of people you can "Follow" --- "Live Chat" --- with real people. I wish all who make this decision of joining a prosperous new beginning.
Recent Comments
Hi Tom. Thanks for this. Yes you have to put the time in to listen and learn. I love the picture. Where did you get that.
Right on, Tom! This is a great place to learn, but you have to be willing to DO, too! There are so many helpful people here who know what they are doing and are willing to share that knowledge. No selfish greed there. There's plenty of business to go around.
Hear hear. I second all you've said, but add that to make it work you have to follow the training. Only this morning I've read two people complaining that they feel misled, one of whom used the word "con". My blood starts to boil, as never have I seen so much for so little in one place, provided to genuinely help those like you and me, who were pretty clueless (if you'll pardon me).
And I too have a few people who I respect and look to for advice. Look to the best, do what they do, and keep doing it.
Picture was taken by someone else who lives in Zimbabwe, it's the road towards Umvuma from Gweru, you can see the railway line on the left of the road. There is a huge storm in front, which is typical for this time of year.