About Tkallstar
Rank 10584
269 followers Joined January 2014
I am a very active and busy person. I found WA when looking for a hobby that could lead to some success and money. I





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

How do I get my sites back to edit them? It hasnt been a month so they are not deleted.

If you don't see the sites in your domain area, you need to contact support: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Trevor, go to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support
Give them the domain names and the situation.
They will fix it for you.

Welcome back, Trevor! It hasn't even been a couple weeks... What inspired the return? (Happy to have you here of course :)

Well I quit because I couldn't afford it, then I rejoined for one last month to hopefully get my sites back so I can delete everything on them and then sell the domains. After I do that I plan to work on a free website until I make some money off of it, or I might just wait till I can get enough money to go yearly and then go yearly so that I can save money and not pay $47 a month.

Got it!

Ok. Wishing you the best of luck with everything! Looking forward to the day you come back! I'm pretty sure I'll still be here ;)

Ill be looking forward to it to. See ya then!

put in a ticket in the website/hosting tab. if it has not been over 30 days they should be there

Do what?

support ticket in your website/hosting tab on your profile page.

Just curious...why did you leave WA? I cannot seem to find any reason to leave! There is a wealth of info and videos as well as awesome training. I'm committed to WA. Just wondering why?

The only reason I left was because I wasnt making any and I couldnt afford it anymore, I would have loved to stay but just can not afford it.

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Need help from someone who quit wa and rejoined?

Need help from someone who quit wa and rejoined?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

How do I get my sites back to edit them? It hasnt been a month so they are not deleted.

If you don't see the sites in your domain area, you need to contact support: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Trevor, go to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support
Give them the domain names and the situation.
They will fix it for you.

Welcome back, Trevor! It hasn't even been a couple weeks... What inspired the return? (Happy to have you here of course :)

Well I quit because I couldn't afford it, then I rejoined for one last month to hopefully get my sites back so I can delete everything on them and then sell the domains. After I do that I plan to work on a free website until I make some money off of it, or I might just wait till I can get enough money to go yearly and then go yearly so that I can save money and not pay $47 a month.

Got it!

Ok. Wishing you the best of luck with everything! Looking forward to the day you come back! I'm pretty sure I'll still be here ;)

Ill be looking forward to it to. See ya then!

put in a ticket in the website/hosting tab. if it has not been over 30 days they should be there

Do what?

support ticket in your website/hosting tab on your profile page.

Just curious...why did you leave WA? I cannot seem to find any reason to leave! There is a wealth of info and videos as well as awesome training. I'm committed to WA. Just wondering why?

The only reason I left was because I wasnt making any and I couldnt afford it anymore, I would have loved to stay but just can not afford it.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

​it had been awhile since I could blog or spend as much time as i want on here. My question though, is what do I do when I dont know what to do? Everyone says create content, but w

Here's MY 2 cents Trevor. You already have THREE sites! Why in the world would you start a FOURTH?

Here's my thinking. The one website of mine which I am the most passionate about, will be 2 years old in 2015. My "well" of content ideas has already begun to dry up! Unless I consistently post product reviews, coming up with original content on subjects I haven't already covered, is getting harder and harder.

How are you doing on the sites you already have? Do you envision the turtle site getting bigger and bigger? So now you have an idea for a college site. You say it'll be based around "tips". Can these tips sustain a site? Can you consistently write about them every week for 52 weeks?

These are questions that I don't think many striving site owners ask themselves. Recently, I visited the sites of many WA members who joined just over 1 year ago. You know what? About 40% of those sites no longer exist!! And among those that are still active...the last "fresh" content that was added, was 8 to 10 months ago! What does that tell you? They either lost interest...or all those terrific topics they initially came up with, have been written about. How would you imagine those sites are ranking? Probably pretty low, if at all.

Also, our lives change. So it's quite understandable that some things don't remain constant. We all know that.

All I'm trying to say is...................don't spread yourself (or your ideas) too thin. I've have one site that's on the verge of sinking permanently, and one where all my energy is focused. It's not that I wasn't able to sustain two at once, it's because the first site was NOT my passion. It was a promotional site (with a WA-like competitor) where I was attempting to get sign ups, plus provide information on related topics. Anyway I now know much more about content and promotion that I did back then, and hopefully can continue to sustain my ONE good site. Unless of course I can come up with a brilliant idea for another one.

My final advice: (which might differ from others) Choose your niche carefully, and ask yourself if it's strong enough to be able to write content week after week after week. Unless of course you don't care whether it's still active a year from now.

Just my (almost 2 year) observation.
Good luck! Ben.

Thank you, that is why I am quitting my WA site because I lost intrest and dont care to write about it till I can actually prove it works. I am sticking to 3 sites, but mainly only 2. I dont want to delete one or stop working on it because it is progressively getting better and I havent done anything to it in the last month!

Yes this is a learning curve for many of us. I'm still learning too...and hopefully from my past mistakes! It annoys me when I think about the first site, and all the time, money, and effort put into it. I was even advised by Kyle not to try and revamp it, but to start over instead. I hate to see it sink....but the passion for that one departed long ago. Pick up and move on is the only thing to do.

Check out Kyle's new keyword training with Jaaxy. You can use the same concepts with the keyword tool on WA.

Thinking of content ideas always starts with keyword research for me.

What I would suggest is developing a group of people that would be willing to help you in this situation. When I write things (poetry, thoughts, sermons, powerpoint, book material) I always give it a few days and come back to it with a fresh mind. What I was thinking a few days ago maybe completely irrelavent to what I meant to write. Definitely get a group together to help. I've done this with lots of things and it makes it better because more people mean fresh ears. I would be willing to help you out if you want to get a group going.
Good luck.

thanks ill try it!

The best advice that I work off of is - what do I want to read about? What would interest me to stick around at a site and read through an article? Not looking at it from the perspective of what should I write about for others...


Use Google Alerts to see what others are writing. Explore the alphabet soup method. Jaaxy has some tools to help also. Look at competitive Websites.

Hi Trevor. Been there.... a lot :)

Write about anything you want. Maybe something you are truly interested in.

Or maybe tweak some things you've already written. I read your 6 month update where you state you have quit working on the first two sites you started.

Even if you are still no longer interested in them, maybe take a look at them and try to learn from them.

For instance, I went to your site http://wildturtlehelp.com/ Take a look at the opening paragraph. Look at it not as a marketer, but as a regular internet surfer/potential customer.

Also look at that whole first page/post as a consumer, not a marketer.

Does it look to you like it was written for a person to read?.... or for a search engine to read..with a little bit of keyword stuffing.

You may be doing what I have done quite a lot over the years. I come up with my next great idea before I bother finishing the one before it and abandon things before I can yield any positive results.

It's very easy to get excited about a new idea and start working it. But it takes some effort to stick with it to make it go somewhere.

Good luck and best wishes on your success.

are you talking about as far as like posts/pages or like website ideas when you say you need to stick to one?

Excellent comments Chris! In a few brief paragraphs you neatly summarized the lengthy ramble I already posted.

Hi. You write about your niche. Help us out, what is your niche? I'd love to offer advice, but it's hard to give you any ideas this way. :) Michelle

I have had a few different ones like turtles and ways to make money online and an affiliate one but i think i have a good one now.. I would like to do a college survival guide because I am going through it now and have a bunch of tips from other people that would help a huge group of people.

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What do I do when I am stuck?

What do I do when I am stuck?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

​it had been awhile since I could blog or spend as much time as i want on here. My question though, is what do I do when I dont know what to do? Everyone says create content, but w

Here's MY 2 cents Trevor. You already have THREE sites! Why in the world would you start a FOURTH?

Here's my thinking. The one website of mine which I am the most passionate about, will be 2 years old in 2015. My "well" of content ideas has already begun to dry up! Unless I consistently post product reviews, coming up with original content on subjects I haven't already covered, is getting harder and harder.

How are you doing on the sites you already have? Do you envision the turtle site getting bigger and bigger? So now you have an idea for a college site. You say it'll be based around "tips". Can these tips sustain a site? Can you consistently write about them every week for 52 weeks?

These are questions that I don't think many striving site owners ask themselves. Recently, I visited the sites of many WA members who joined just over 1 year ago. You know what? About 40% of those sites no longer exist!! And among those that are still active...the last "fresh" content that was added, was 8 to 10 months ago! What does that tell you? They either lost interest...or all those terrific topics they initially came up with, have been written about. How would you imagine those sites are ranking? Probably pretty low, if at all.

Also, our lives change. So it's quite understandable that some things don't remain constant. We all know that.

All I'm trying to say is...................don't spread yourself (or your ideas) too thin. I've have one site that's on the verge of sinking permanently, and one where all my energy is focused. It's not that I wasn't able to sustain two at once, it's because the first site was NOT my passion. It was a promotional site (with a WA-like competitor) where I was attempting to get sign ups, plus provide information on related topics. Anyway I now know much more about content and promotion that I did back then, and hopefully can continue to sustain my ONE good site. Unless of course I can come up with a brilliant idea for another one.

My final advice: (which might differ from others) Choose your niche carefully, and ask yourself if it's strong enough to be able to write content week after week after week. Unless of course you don't care whether it's still active a year from now.

Just my (almost 2 year) observation.
Good luck! Ben.

Thank you, that is why I am quitting my WA site because I lost intrest and dont care to write about it till I can actually prove it works. I am sticking to 3 sites, but mainly only 2. I dont want to delete one or stop working on it because it is progressively getting better and I havent done anything to it in the last month!

Yes this is a learning curve for many of us. I'm still learning too...and hopefully from my past mistakes! It annoys me when I think about the first site, and all the time, money, and effort put into it. I was even advised by Kyle not to try and revamp it, but to start over instead. I hate to see it sink....but the passion for that one departed long ago. Pick up and move on is the only thing to do.

Check out Kyle's new keyword training with Jaaxy. You can use the same concepts with the keyword tool on WA.

Thinking of content ideas always starts with keyword research for me.

What I would suggest is developing a group of people that would be willing to help you in this situation. When I write things (poetry, thoughts, sermons, powerpoint, book material) I always give it a few days and come back to it with a fresh mind. What I was thinking a few days ago maybe completely irrelavent to what I meant to write. Definitely get a group together to help. I've done this with lots of things and it makes it better because more people mean fresh ears. I would be willing to help you out if you want to get a group going.
Good luck.

thanks ill try it!

The best advice that I work off of is - what do I want to read about? What would interest me to stick around at a site and read through an article? Not looking at it from the perspective of what should I write about for others...


Use Google Alerts to see what others are writing. Explore the alphabet soup method. Jaaxy has some tools to help also. Look at competitive Websites.

Hi Trevor. Been there.... a lot :)

Write about anything you want. Maybe something you are truly interested in.

Or maybe tweak some things you've already written. I read your 6 month update where you state you have quit working on the first two sites you started.

Even if you are still no longer interested in them, maybe take a look at them and try to learn from them.

For instance, I went to your site http://wildturtlehelp.com/ Take a look at the opening paragraph. Look at it not as a marketer, but as a regular internet surfer/potential customer.

Also look at that whole first page/post as a consumer, not a marketer.

Does it look to you like it was written for a person to read?.... or for a search engine to read..with a little bit of keyword stuffing.

You may be doing what I have done quite a lot over the years. I come up with my next great idea before I bother finishing the one before it and abandon things before I can yield any positive results.

It's very easy to get excited about a new idea and start working it. But it takes some effort to stick with it to make it go somewhere.

Good luck and best wishes on your success.

are you talking about as far as like posts/pages or like website ideas when you say you need to stick to one?

Excellent comments Chris! In a few brief paragraphs you neatly summarized the lengthy ramble I already posted.

Hi. You write about your niche. Help us out, what is your niche? I'd love to offer advice, but it's hard to give you any ideas this way. :) Michelle

I have had a few different ones like turtles and ways to make money online and an affiliate one but i think i have a good one now.. I would like to do a college survival guide because I am going through it now and have a bunch of tips from other people that would help a huge group of people.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

On two of my sites, I had like 20+ views and the average duration was 0:00? how?

Sounds like a bot...

"Technically" 0:00 duration means people were likely clicking on a link to your site then leaving immediately (of course). But it's not realistic that 20+ people would do that unless you have a site loading issue or it was a bot (like Semalt). Let us know some more details about what other data you're seeing.

I had a website for awhile that had >0:00. That really confused me... Now its average is like 20 something seconds..

The site that I was talking about when I asked this question, has 10 views from 7 different countries... Sorry I dont know what types of information you want?

It sounds like a bot to me also. When you're in Google Analytics, click on All Website Data for this site; then check the following under Acquisition on the left: All Referrals, Keywords - Organic and Social - Network Referrals. These will give you some idea of where the traffic is coming from. I suspect, you'll see the entries are coming from Semalt or another similar bot under All Referrals. Let me know...

semalt.semalt.com, autoradiogps-online.fr, borgyogyasz.hu, cantek.biz
those are my 4 sources

Yeah, your problem is Semalt (which is a bot). The three "foreign" sites seem to be legit sites of some sort but I'm not sure why they're interested in your site. But don't worry about it. If you want to filter out Semalt (which I do recommend because they're only going to screw up your stats), do a search here in the bar above or on Google for instructions...it's fairly simple!

thanks for the continuous help!

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Why does google analytics show 0s?

Why does google analytics show 0s?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

On two of my sites, I had like 20+ views and the average duration was 0:00? how?

Sounds like a bot...

"Technically" 0:00 duration means people were likely clicking on a link to your site then leaving immediately (of course). But it's not realistic that 20+ people would do that unless you have a site loading issue or it was a bot (like Semalt). Let us know some more details about what other data you're seeing.

I had a website for awhile that had >0:00. That really confused me... Now its average is like 20 something seconds..

The site that I was talking about when I asked this question, has 10 views from 7 different countries... Sorry I dont know what types of information you want?

It sounds like a bot to me also. When you're in Google Analytics, click on All Website Data for this site; then check the following under Acquisition on the left: All Referrals, Keywords - Organic and Social - Network Referrals. These will give you some idea of where the traffic is coming from. I suspect, you'll see the entries are coming from Semalt or another similar bot under All Referrals. Let me know...

semalt.semalt.com, autoradiogps-online.fr, borgyogyasz.hu, cantek.biz
those are my 4 sources

Yeah, your problem is Semalt (which is a bot). The three "foreign" sites seem to be legit sites of some sort but I'm not sure why they're interested in your site. But don't worry about it. If you want to filter out Semalt (which I do recommend because they're only going to screw up your stats), do a search here in the bar above or on Google for instructions...it's fairly simple!

thanks for the continuous help!

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