Black Friday - Don't do what I did!!!


Hi all, hope you are doing well and having much success! Here's my little story about the Black Friday offer. Last year I just couldn't decide whether I should take up the offer or not, I knew it was an outstanding price but I was thinking of every possible reason why it might not work out for me, example, 'I might not have enough time to utilise WA and therefore waste my money on yearly' or 'I might lose interest and waste my money on yearly' etc etc.

Anyway, I watched the clock tick down on the offer and decided to let it go and the second the offer expired I regretted my decision! I wondered if I had done the right thing, I wondered if the offer would ever be available again, I basically blew it because I knew deep down this was for me and I would now continue on in WA paying a higher monthly amount than I needed to!

So as you would appreciate I was very exited when I knew the Black Friday offer was on again this year... but this time was different, I started planning and this time I counted the clock down until the offer started and jumped on it straight away. Now Im looking forward to a great year ahead, I have started a new website a few days ago and I am going to give 100% to this website alone, instead of dabbling in many as I have over the previous years!

So thats my story, I'm very happy and excited, I'm looking forward to a big year of success and I hope it helps others decide if they are unsure about taking up the Black Friday offer!

Good luck and remember if you are undecided about yearly, I recommend you take it on, save some loot and make a commitment to your future, like I have!

Success to everyone!!!

Thanks, TJ Stevenson :)

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It takes the resolve to be committed to pay for an entire year.
I hope you accomplish your goals.

It sure does Ade, thank you!

Congrats on going yearly this year, wise decision, Stevenson. :)

Thanks Jewel!

I agree, it's definitely worth it. Knowing you have a full year helps you focus on getting the most out of that year. I'll be doing the same as you and working one website.

Cheers Rick!

Very nice story, it makes me wonder, I have now 5 websites going:) Hope I can keep up all 5, but perhaps you are right, to focus on one, congratz on your yearly choice, I did took this step also, greetings Loes

Hi Loes, nice to meet you. Yes, I found my time is pretty limited at the moment as I'm working full-time in my 'bricks and mortar' business so I need to concentrate on one website but you may have the time to do 5 websites! Good luck :)

I have about 6-8 hours a day available, in the weekends even more

Wow thats pretty cool, you have plenty of time to achieve big things!

I know I am in a privileged position:)

Happy for you. Congrats. :)

Thanks Norleila :)

So glad you were ready this year! :)

I think I was ready last year, lol thanks Christa

Not as ready as this year, lol!

Haha true that!

Good decision.

I think it is too, thanks :)

Well done. To build a successful business needs commitment.

So true and thanks!

I am glad you got to benefit from the sale this year! I have only been here a short while myself and can truly see the unparalleled value of this offer!

Hi Rosie, yes it really is a great price! Thanks, Todd

Very cool!
Looking forward to working with you over the next year!!

Hi Dan, thanks mate, yes very exciting!

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