About TinukeWill
Rank 121
173 followers Joined October 2022
My name is Tinuke. I have been craving the desire of becoming an established Entrepreneur, using the online settings. I am glad to be here





Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training
asked in
Getting Started

My screen suddenly became bigger, the lettering and the menus scattered and confusing. I need help please.

Zoom out via browser :)

Thank you Abie:)

More than welcome :)

You must have expanded the size of your screen. Press CTRL + "-" on you computer, to zoom out.

Apple + "-" on a apple computer. This is a setting that you made on your browser. ;)

Thank you so much Kyle. It works!

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How can I set my wa screen back to normal?

How can I set my wa screen back to normal?

asked in
Getting Started

My screen suddenly became bigger, the lettering and the menus scattered and confusing. I need help please.

Zoom out via browser :)

Thank you Abie:)

More than welcome :)

You must have expanded the size of your screen. Press CTRL + "-" on you computer, to zoom out.

Apple + "-" on a apple computer. This is a setting that you made on your browser. ;)

Thank you so much Kyle. It works!

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asked in
Getting Started

My Pinterest is giving me 'No Images Found. Check your URL and try again' error code. I'm therefore unable to create pins. What are the solutions to this please? Are there o

Check the URL link if you have the correct one, and check if the images are in the proper format :)

Thanks Abie. How do I check the URL link if I have the correct one. I opened the article on my website and copied the URL, then paste on Pinterest. Are there any other ways of doing this please?

What does it say at the end of it... Does it say it is a .jpeg/.jpg/.png or something else?

Thanks Abie. There is nothing like any of these. One of my URL is:


This is an example of what I've been using.

This is the URL of the post; however, it is one of the images URLs on this post.


It ends with .jpg, meaning it is a .jpg image.

(Right-click on the image and copy the 'image address.'

If you are on mobile, you may the image and save it image. Then, upload it to where you want.


You can head to the Plugins tab of your WordPress site back office and check what SEO plugin you have.

Yes that is the URL of the post I copied and pasted to Pinterest, which gave the error code.
Where do I get the type you just sent?
Is it the type I supposed to paste to Pinterest?

Abie!! I copied and pasted the image URL you sent to me now to my Pinterest, and it worked!!! Thanks a million times:)

I am glad you got it sorted here... Probably, it is easier to download the images to your device and upload them again to Pinterest :)

I use SEO Framework.

Can you please put me through the easier way of doing this? I mean to first download the images to my device and upload again to Pinterest? (Old-school:-)

I got it sorted as you instructed. I'm now able to download and upload again to Pinterest. Thank you again:-)

You are most welcome :)

As an additional tip, if you get to use the Canva app, you can upload to your Pinterest right from within the app.

I appreciate you!

You are more than welcome, Tinuke :)

have you investigated your seo section in the post....
there is a tab for social where you can add an image and text for posting on social.
you may also investigate the seo settings under seo in the left sidebar and scroll down to the social section and see if you need to add anyting there to automatically select the images from your post...
i hope you get it sorted...

Can you probably link me with a training on this please. Thank you.

are you using all in one seo or the seo framework....

Hi Feigner, how do I know if I'm using 'all in one SEO' or 'SEO framework'?
Thanks for your help.

Thank you so much Feigner. I got it sorted.

Try accessing pinterest from a different browser Tinuke. That or contacting pinterest support might help.

Thanks Vitality. I tried using a different browser like you suggested, but it's the same. I have contacted Pinterest support, waiting for their response.

Keep us posted!

Thank you Vitality, I got it sorted.


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My pinterest giving 'no images found. check your url and try again' error code?

My pinterest giving 'no images found. check your url and try again' error code?

asked in
Getting Started

My Pinterest is giving me 'No Images Found. Check your URL and try again' error code. I'm therefore unable to create pins. What are the solutions to this please? Are there o

Check the URL link if you have the correct one, and check if the images are in the proper format :)

Thanks Abie. How do I check the URL link if I have the correct one. I opened the article on my website and copied the URL, then paste on Pinterest. Are there any other ways of doing this please?

What does it say at the end of it... Does it say it is a .jpeg/.jpg/.png or something else?

Thanks Abie. There is nothing like any of these. One of my URL is:


This is an example of what I've been using.

This is the URL of the post; however, it is one of the images URLs on this post.


It ends with .jpg, meaning it is a .jpg image.

(Right-click on the image and copy the 'image address.'

If you are on mobile, you may the image and save it image. Then, upload it to where you want.


You can head to the Plugins tab of your WordPress site back office and check what SEO plugin you have.

Yes that is the URL of the post I copied and pasted to Pinterest, which gave the error code.
Where do I get the type you just sent?
Is it the type I supposed to paste to Pinterest?

Abie!! I copied and pasted the image URL you sent to me now to my Pinterest, and it worked!!! Thanks a million times:)

I am glad you got it sorted here... Probably, it is easier to download the images to your device and upload them again to Pinterest :)

I use SEO Framework.

Can you please put me through the easier way of doing this? I mean to first download the images to my device and upload again to Pinterest? (Old-school:-)

I got it sorted as you instructed. I'm now able to download and upload again to Pinterest. Thank you again:-)

You are most welcome :)

As an additional tip, if you get to use the Canva app, you can upload to your Pinterest right from within the app.

I appreciate you!

You are more than welcome, Tinuke :)

have you investigated your seo section in the post....
there is a tab for social where you can add an image and text for posting on social.
you may also investigate the seo settings under seo in the left sidebar and scroll down to the social section and see if you need to add anyting there to automatically select the images from your post...
i hope you get it sorted...

Can you probably link me with a training on this please. Thank you.

are you using all in one seo or the seo framework....

Hi Feigner, how do I know if I'm using 'all in one SEO' or 'SEO framework'?
Thanks for your help.

Thank you so much Feigner. I got it sorted.

Try accessing pinterest from a different browser Tinuke. That or contacting pinterest support might help.

Thanks Vitality. I tried using a different browser like you suggested, but it's the same. I have contacted Pinterest support, waiting for their response.

Keep us posted!

Thank you Vitality, I got it sorted.


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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

How do I check if my Pinterest is not well connected with my website. I'm not getting traffics from Pinterest and there are lot of views on my Pinterest. Am I missing any vit

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hey Tinuke!

I saw Brenda link to my recent article, so I thought I'd pop in here and add a few things.

So, first things first - Pinterest 'views' is just another way of saying impressions. The main metrics you want to look at are your engagements, your saves, and your outbound clicks (you can see all this when you go to your analytics section in Pinterest).

I'd be willing to look at your account and give you feedback on what I'd recommend trying, since it's hard to speculate as to what the main issue is, but I couldn't find it when I did a quick search/looked at your WA profile (in case you had it linked there).

When you say that you get "a lot of views" (i.e. impressions), how many are we talking about? thousands, tens of thousands, or millions?

Also, how long have you been pinning on Pinterest for?

I am on Pinterest, too. I have not been getting any traffic either for three months. I got a lot of impressions, 3.7k impressions, but that's about it.

You might want to read Andy Calvin's blog about the common mistakes we make when pinning. I tried everything he said. Im not gaining anything out of it no matter what. It's just a waste of my time, in my opinion. I do not see any benefits in three months of doing this. I complained about it on my blog, too.

Thanks for the insight Brenda. I'll go through the two links and see if they can probably turn things around.:-)

Andy's probably more helpful than my article. I was pessimistic about Pinterest traffic, but I still am. Im not impressed with it.

When you create a pin, do you include a link to a page or post on your website?

Thanks for your response Phil1944. I always pick an image from my post URL to create a pin. I don't know if that completes the necessary steps to take.

It's nothing to do with the image, Tinuke. When you create a new pin, there's a field Add a Destination Link. You need to enter the URL of a post or page from your website that you want to get traffic to.

Yes Phil1944. I always copy the URL of the post I want to link from the website to Pinterest destination link.

Then people must simply not be clicking on the link in your pin. Perhaps you are getting impressions but not clicks.

Yeah, but is there anything I need to correct in order to get both impressions and clicks?

I get the most impressions and clicks from large, portrait style images with dramatic color contrast with, of course high relevance to the subject matter.

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My pinterest views seem not reflected on my website traffic, am I missing any vital steps?

My pinterest views seem not reflected on my website traffic, am I missing any vital steps?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

How do I check if my Pinterest is not well connected with my website. I'm not getting traffics from Pinterest and there are lot of views on my Pinterest. Am I missing any vit

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hey Tinuke!

I saw Brenda link to my recent article, so I thought I'd pop in here and add a few things.

So, first things first - Pinterest 'views' is just another way of saying impressions. The main metrics you want to look at are your engagements, your saves, and your outbound clicks (you can see all this when you go to your analytics section in Pinterest).

I'd be willing to look at your account and give you feedback on what I'd recommend trying, since it's hard to speculate as to what the main issue is, but I couldn't find it when I did a quick search/looked at your WA profile (in case you had it linked there).

When you say that you get "a lot of views" (i.e. impressions), how many are we talking about? thousands, tens of thousands, or millions?

Also, how long have you been pinning on Pinterest for?

I am on Pinterest, too. I have not been getting any traffic either for three months. I got a lot of impressions, 3.7k impressions, but that's about it.

You might want to read Andy Calvin's blog about the common mistakes we make when pinning. I tried everything he said. Im not gaining anything out of it no matter what. It's just a waste of my time, in my opinion. I do not see any benefits in three months of doing this. I complained about it on my blog, too.

Thanks for the insight Brenda. I'll go through the two links and see if they can probably turn things around.:-)

Andy's probably more helpful than my article. I was pessimistic about Pinterest traffic, but I still am. Im not impressed with it.

When you create a pin, do you include a link to a page or post on your website?

Thanks for your response Phil1944. I always pick an image from my post URL to create a pin. I don't know if that completes the necessary steps to take.

It's nothing to do with the image, Tinuke. When you create a new pin, there's a field Add a Destination Link. You need to enter the URL of a post or page from your website that you want to get traffic to.

Yes Phil1944. I always copy the URL of the post I want to link from the website to Pinterest destination link.

Then people must simply not be clicking on the link in your pin. Perhaps you are getting impressions but not clicks.

Yeah, but is there anything I need to correct in order to get both impressions and clicks?

I get the most impressions and clicks from large, portrait style images with dramatic color contrast with, of course high relevance to the subject matter.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Can somebody please tell me what I might be doing wrong? Within a few hours before, I always got indexed by google, but now my articles are no longer getting indexed.

You have FANTASTIC responses here; has this been resolved?

Thank you Abie. I'm still on it.

Please keep us updated on your progress :)

Hi Tinuke in addition to Carson's suggestion I want to also add that indexing from Google fluctuates in terms of how long it takes to see it happen. One thing that may also help is internally linking your none indexed posts to ones that are and vice versa to help Google spiders crawl your site better.

Thank you Vitality. How do I link my non-indexed posts to ones that are? :)

If you have a list of articles that are already indexed in Google, link from those to one or more that are not currently indexed. You can use Google search console to show you this. Other than that just having a healthy list of posts that naturally link to one another organically is a good policy to focus on in general.

Thank you:)

My pleasure :)

Hi Tinuke,

What is Google Search Console telling you? Is it saying anything particular for the articles that you're referring to that are not yet indexed?

Search Console will tell you exactly what is going on, and you can manually request indexing too when you inspect your URLs. Inspect a url of a new article by entering it into the URL inspector at the top of the page. Once you've inspected it, then you can request indexing from there.

Thank you Carson. How can I locate Google Search Console on my site? Is it through Site Kit?

Sometimes you just have to be patient. Some of my articles from awhile back are now getting indexed. I don’t think every article gets indexed. Just make sure you are using good keywords

Thank you Kathie. I just want to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind.

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Why are my articles no longer indexed by google?

Why are my articles no longer indexed by google?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Can somebody please tell me what I might be doing wrong? Within a few hours before, I always got indexed by google, but now my articles are no longer getting indexed.

You have FANTASTIC responses here; has this been resolved?

Thank you Abie. I'm still on it.

Please keep us updated on your progress :)

Hi Tinuke in addition to Carson's suggestion I want to also add that indexing from Google fluctuates in terms of how long it takes to see it happen. One thing that may also help is internally linking your none indexed posts to ones that are and vice versa to help Google spiders crawl your site better.

Thank you Vitality. How do I link my non-indexed posts to ones that are? :)

If you have a list of articles that are already indexed in Google, link from those to one or more that are not currently indexed. You can use Google search console to show you this. Other than that just having a healthy list of posts that naturally link to one another organically is a good policy to focus on in general.

Thank you:)

My pleasure :)

Hi Tinuke,

What is Google Search Console telling you? Is it saying anything particular for the articles that you're referring to that are not yet indexed?

Search Console will tell you exactly what is going on, and you can manually request indexing too when you inspect your URLs. Inspect a url of a new article by entering it into the URL inspector at the top of the page. Once you've inspected it, then you can request indexing from there.

Thank you Carson. How can I locate Google Search Console on my site? Is it through Site Kit?

Sometimes you just have to be patient. Some of my articles from awhile back are now getting indexed. I don’t think every article gets indexed. Just make sure you are using good keywords

Thank you Kathie. I just want to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Are there any specific requirements before one can start applying for affiliate programs?

You would typically need content and traffic before applying to affiliate programs, as they would check your website before approval.

I would add more informational content to drive organic traffic.

Thank you so much TheAbiePPlus.

You're welcome. Tinuke :)

Typically an affiliate program will want to see if your website gets visitors and this is why the signing up part comes later in the training. I would start to do that around the time the training recommend doing so and/or when you start to see regular traffic coming to your site daily.

Ok, thanks so much VitalityG.

Anytime :)

When first starting it is best to only provide informational content without any selling intent.

You will ideally, based on your chosen niche write at least 20-30 pieces of content to gain followers to your website.

Once you have a good amount of regular followers then you can think of joining affiliate programs based on your niche.

The reason sbeing are two-fold

1 Google when inspecting your site will want to see that you are helping your readers first not just selling to their faces.
The more content you write that helps your readers find what they are looking the greater the chances that Google and other search engines will help your posts rank higher with the aim on page 1, preferably the top 3 spots.

2 The majority of affiliate programs when you do apply will want to inspect your site and see not only the content you have given but see if you are a good fit for them before accepting you into their programs.

If you think about it if you have no followers what is the point of having affiliate links when no one visits your site?

Hence the need to first attract visitors by creating helpful content and have them follow you and get them to come back again for more info you give to them.

Wishing you well


Thank you so much Andre. I will follow the lines step by step.

Most welcom
Wishing you well

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When is it appropriate to apply for affiliate programs?

When is it appropriate to apply for affiliate programs?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Are there any specific requirements before one can start applying for affiliate programs?

You would typically need content and traffic before applying to affiliate programs, as they would check your website before approval.

I would add more informational content to drive organic traffic.

Thank you so much TheAbiePPlus.

You're welcome. Tinuke :)

Typically an affiliate program will want to see if your website gets visitors and this is why the signing up part comes later in the training. I would start to do that around the time the training recommend doing so and/or when you start to see regular traffic coming to your site daily.

Ok, thanks so much VitalityG.

Anytime :)

When first starting it is best to only provide informational content without any selling intent.

You will ideally, based on your chosen niche write at least 20-30 pieces of content to gain followers to your website.

Once you have a good amount of regular followers then you can think of joining affiliate programs based on your niche.

The reason sbeing are two-fold

1 Google when inspecting your site will want to see that you are helping your readers first not just selling to their faces.
The more content you write that helps your readers find what they are looking the greater the chances that Google and other search engines will help your posts rank higher with the aim on page 1, preferably the top 3 spots.

2 The majority of affiliate programs when you do apply will want to inspect your site and see not only the content you have given but see if you are a good fit for them before accepting you into their programs.

If you think about it if you have no followers what is the point of having affiliate links when no one visits your site?

Hence the need to first attract visitors by creating helpful content and have them follow you and get them to come back again for more info you give to them.

Wishing you well


Thank you so much Andre. I will follow the lines step by step.

Most welcom
Wishing you well

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Millionaire Mentorship
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