Like a Phoenix .

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Hi everyone,

I'd like to share a recent update on my online journey and the new direction I'm taking.

As many of you know, I've faced some challenges over the past few years. Had cancer that have significantly impacted my ability to maintain my existing websites. This, in turn, has led to a decline in traffic and commissions.

A Turning Point

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to seek Kyle for advice. After discussing my situation with Kyle, he suggested that it might be time for a fresh start.

He recommended going back through the Wealthy Affiliate training to refresh my knowledge and consider starting a new website in a different niche. This would help address the outdated SEO practices and the drop in traffic.

(image created with AI, prompt by Timotheus)

Choosing a New Niche

I was excited about the idea of a new beginning and started brainstorming potential niche ideas. Given my personal interests, I was drawn to AI and spiritual topics.

However, after careful consideration and with Kyle's guidance, I decided to focus on the AI niche. Within the AI niche, I narrowed down my focus to AI Content Creation. Kyle agreed that this sub-niche has significant earning potential and suggested building a new website dedicated to it.

Next Steps

With a clear direction in mind, I'm now ready to take the next steps. I'll be brainstorming domain name ideas, setting up a new website, and following the training steps on Hubs. For domain names, I will seek Kyle's advice again soon.

So, my plan for next steps is:

  1. Think of domain names and choose one.
  2. Create a new Hub for this and start building and growing a website by following the training there.

Is this the correct sequence of next step actions, my friends? Or should I just go to Hubs and start a new one? (I have not tried it with starting a new website and don't know if it will help me 'think' of domain names?)

I'm excited about this new chapter and look forward to sharing my progress with you all.

Thank you for your continued support!

I wish everyone good health.


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Recent Comments


Great to hear from you again Tim and I truly hope all is well with you!

Just start a new hub with your new website idea and follow the training again!!

It's always being updated... I am going to do the same with a new idea I have very soon as well!!

Look after yourself buddy and take care ok!


Very nice to hear from you too, buddy!

Thanks! Yes, I'll start a new Hub and follow the training.

All the best for your new idea. Please take care too.

I wish you good health πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

Wishing you all the best Tim!

Great image πŸ‘

Thanks Fleeky! 😊

Glad you like the image. 😊

It sounds like you have some great new plans, Tim. I am glad you have given some more thought to building a new business instead of quitting.

Upon daily reflection, it is when we come up with new strategies to overcome our obstacles with new motivation and determination.

Better days are ahead while you keep pursuing your goals.

All the best :)

Kind regards

Thanks, Erica.

I almost thought of quitting. About 10 years doing this and not getting much from my endeavors.

But then, I thought it such a waste of my experience and knowledge gained so far. So, one more time I go.

Yes, I reflect regularly. And review my businesses and strategies, too. I even meditate upon it and gain insights during meditations. It was one of the meditations that I gained the insight to get advice and feedback from Kyle. And it was truly helpful.

Well said. Better days for us all. 😊

I wish you good health.


You are welcome Tim,

You are an inspiration and must remember all the valuable skills you have gained in the past 10 years.

It has not been in vain.

Skills do not come easy, it takes persistence and dedication to learn any new skill.

That is why so many people fail, because they do not think in terms of years when learning, they want to have the experience of a Master or Masteress overnight.

When we stop ourselves from thinking life is too short to get anywhere, we can just give all we got each and every day and miracles happen.

I am glad you got feedback from Kyle, he for sure has valuable teachings from his experiences.

Wishing you glory in all you do :)


Hoping if you have not beaten Cancer you crush that bastard soon. A new niche has been part of my rebirth since we were priced out of the housing market and spent nearly 11 months homeless. Not being able to work my sites and not being up to date on Google's dirty tricks I now have 2 new niches, a foothold on the old one, and a budding social network that has over 1100 members. Money still is an issue rebuilding but this is just a matter of time now.

I have beaten cancer. Thank you.
Last August, my colorectal surgeon gave me the good news that I am now cancer free.

I wish you all the best. And that you find success soon.


Best wishes on your new niche endeavor.

Follow Kyle's advice and take daily action!

Thank you, Howard. I will do my best.
I have returned to teaching on a part time basis since my recovery from cancer.
So, there are days when I am teaching. It takes up the whole day and by the time I am home, I am exhausted (still feeling the effects of cancer even though fully recovered).

Despite all that, I will do my best.


Again, best wishes Tim as you move forward!

Thanks Howard 😊

All the best to you too!

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