I must be dumber than a box of rocks as I cannot for the life of me build a website. Can someone please assist me? I have been at this all day, and have downloaded or opened
As Heidi has mentioned the training does go through everything in steps. What have you done so far ?
Are you working through the training steps at the same time? It guides you on how to get started.
I’m happy to help probably just need some more info on what you have tried. It can be a bit confusing to start, it does get easier :)
I have tried to do everything it tells me to do, but I cannot download a template that turns out to be like it shows it is, and I feel stupid, get irritated, and finally just closed the site. I thought I would try again tomorrow but then got irritated at my stupidity and tried again a few moments ago, and ran into the same problem. Not at all sure what I am doing wrong.
Templates don't look like their illustrations until you've filled them out with content. It can be quite misleading.
You should continue to create posts and pages, focusing on the content. You can always change themes later if you don't like the look.
You are too kind, Heidi :-)
I think it's something we all struggle with at first. We create an empty website and wonder why it doesn't look like the content-filled website that was used to illustrate the theme.
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Brand new and not able to build my first website?
I must be dumber than a box of rocks as I cannot for the life of me build a website. Can someone please assist me? I have been at this all day, and have downloaded or opened
Hi - according to your profile, you have managed to build a website. Don't expect it to look exactly how you thought it would. The training will show you how to add and change things.
Thanks again I do appreciate the assistance. Back in the morning or throw the computer out the door tonight. Thanks
As Heidi has mentioned the training does go through everything in steps. What have you done so far ?
Are you working through the training steps at the same time? It guides you on how to get started.
I’m happy to help probably just need some more info on what you have tried. It can be a bit confusing to start, it does get easier :)
I have tried to do everything it tells me to do, but I cannot download a template that turns out to be like it shows it is, and I feel stupid, get irritated, and finally just closed the site. I thought I would try again tomorrow but then got irritated at my stupidity and tried again a few moments ago, and ran into the same problem. Not at all sure what I am doing wrong.
Templates don't look like their illustrations until you've filled them out with content. It can be quite misleading.
You should continue to create posts and pages, focusing on the content. You can always change themes later if you don't like the look.
You are too kind, Heidi :-)
I think it's something we all struggle with at first. We create an empty website and wonder why it doesn't look like the content-filled website that was used to illustrate the theme.
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Hi - according to your profile, you have managed to build a website. Don't expect it to look exactly how you thought it would. The training will show you how to add and change things.
Thanks again I do appreciate the assistance. Back in the morning or throw the computer out the door tonight. Thanks