One step at a time !
I'll have to be honest, I didn't think I was going to get this far with my website. Without the training I would have given up, thank you so much WA for your dedication in ensuring I remain dedicated.
I'm keeping this blog short as I've just done an all nighter going through some training on here and working on my online store.
Will write again when I'm refreshed, take care WA community !
Recent Comments
You are doing well, Tiga! Stay with it, Michelle. Mother Earth can use all the help she can get!
You'll get out what you put in Michelle...
Building an online business is no different from building an offline one really, except the overheads are MUCH cheaper !!
You've got this my friend and please feel free to reach out when needed ok!!
It absolutely is not a sprint. You are in a marathon toward something great and it most definitely is not a get rich quick mentality here. That is what made me join in the first place. This is your business and building a business is one step at a time. You got this and keep going.
Bill from Ontario, Canada
Awesome, that is so great to hear. Once you hit the 7 page market on your website, you are higher than the average (in terms of the average of all websites in the world) and you have the foundation set-up for a long term business. ;)