Dear WA members
I have decided to close down my WA account after 5 years as a member.
During these 5 years I have learned a lot and I think WA is the best program of it's kind. The founders and the staff is simply wonderful people. I will recomend WA when ever I have the opportunity to do so.
I have not been successful with my affiliate marketing effords and I think I know the reason. It is not WA fault in any way. As you all know driving traffic to your website is done by creating interesting content and buliding a relationship base on trust.
I find it very difficult because English is not my primary language. When search engines and other visitors look at my website they know the content is not written by a English speaking person and the trust is not established.
I have no trouble creating content in my own language but translating it to fluent English is hard and if I would like to have it done for me it would cost me too much. I tried that ones and I think I payed over $ 200 for a short article.
So this is my Good Bye.
I thank you all and wish you all the best.
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Leiðinlegt að heyra. Skil þig vel því að þetta hefur einnig truflað mig. Hins vegar náði ég að leysa þetta með hugmynd sem að ég fékkk á frábæru námskeiði sem að ég tók í vor. Bæði mjög gott varðandi árangur, einskorðaðist samt við Amazon, og ég náði að leysa þetta. Mér var ráðlagt af einum gúrú að fara á Upwork til að fá aðila til að skrifa. Ég fékk alveg magnaðan aðila þar, auðvitað heppni að hitta á í fyrstu tilraun. En það er miklu ódýrara dæmi.
Maybe doing this post will bring some new ideas for you from WA members or you might write a discussion question for all members to have input and brainstorm about options you could try. I suggest completing the certification training and also reaching out to long-term WA members to ask for their expert advice. Have you considered changing your target audience to those who speak your language? I would definitely do these things before walking away from all that WA has to offer. I think you did fine (for having a language barrier) when writing this post.
I wish you success!
OK I understand your desappointed and you want to give up. It s your choice. English is not my primary langage but I could manage my website. Sometimes , some guys corrected me and change . The language is not the trouble . My niche about GoldenDoc is able to be build all over the world. The people need information and being listenning. So if you change your mind , try to find what is important for you and trust in it .The people know when it s the Truth. After 5 years , you can help people in your langage in the website and some courses? no? What do you think about that? Anne
Sorry to see you go.. But I don't think I would give up my dreams. So many people from other countries do this successfully and I promise it's not there great english that gets them the rankings.
It's consistently posting everyday if possible that allows them to find their rhythm and become good writers. The more you do it the better you become. The more posts you have out there the more authority you gain.
In whichever decision you make I wish you the best of luck but certainly hate to see anybody give up on a dream.
Best of Luck!,
- Glen B
As one last-ditch suggestion, would it be possible for you to find a WA member who is fluent in English and your native language? Perhaps you could provide translation services for each other.
If you decide that you have tried everything, then I wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
Sorry to hear that. There are other cheaper alternatives for paying for content. Check out this option: If you must outsource for content, here's a suggestion.
Thorhallur, let me just say this before you go.
Your English is preety good in my opinion.
From what I read in this blog post i could not tell you are not a native english speaker.
So in my opinion you should not quit because of the language barrier.
Many members are not native english speakers - including myself but still trying our best to create interesting articles.
I am sure you have the same talents, based on this post.
Do let me know what you think.
Sorry to hear this, why does your site have to be in english? you could just target your country ?
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Hello Thorhallur,
I absolutely understand what you say facing the same "problem". I chose from the very beginning to write my sites in French to avoid this issue.
Thank you for saying goodbye before leaving.
Wishing you all the best,