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How much money are you making per month as an affiliate marketer?
ABOVE $5K per month
BELOW $5K per month
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How long have you been a member of Wealthy Affiliate?
MORE than 3 years.
LESS than 3 years.
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How many visitors do you get to your income producing website per month?
MORE than 1000 per month.
LESS than 1000 per month.
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Recent Comments
1. More than 5K per month.
2. More than 3 years.
3. It varies depending on the affiliate website. However the bulk of my affiliate commissions do not come from a website.
Hello Magicbrad, I'm here to WIN, But I am very new to WA, I am just getting started
Started in 2/1/2024 But didn't start as a paid member till 3/2/25, Plan on getting 100 followers in my first 6 months, making my 1$ soon as I can
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1. ZERO 2. 8 MONTHS 3. 0>10