QR Codes on Postcards

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QR Codes on Postcards!

Is that creative enough?

Granted, it cost you $.40 per postcard, but the longevity of a postcard is considerably longer than an Internet click. On the Internet people get distracted and move off your website very rapidly.

With a postcard, they can keep the card and access the webpage through the QR code at any time they please. They can revisit that website via the QR code anytime they please.

This method puts the viewers in control.

I am using a software, that allows me to send unlimited free 4x6 postcards and all I need to do is pay the $.40 per card postage.

If you have an e-commerce website, you can create a QR code for your product of the month.

If you have a blog website, you can create a QR code specific to a blog post.

If you are doing affiliate marketing, you can do a QR code directly to a product offer with your affiliate link.

The options are endless.


I hope this was helpful. Feel free to reach out if you want to do some brainstorming on ideas.


Minneapolis Minnesota

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Recent Comments


Very creative, Brad! This must work for you pretty well, my friend!


HI Mister Magic!
I have a dear friend who still collects post cards, and they are getting much harder to find. With the population of older generations growing, it is a great idea because it reminds them of back in the day when we were young-I'm not a kid anymore, but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again-ha! I think this concept could grow underground viral because many do not like the rampant growth of the internet. Also, it is a whole lot easier to scan one card than try to monkey fart with mental virtual acrobatics. It is an ominous feeling to get trapped into a tunnel vortex for those who wish we could just hold hands and hug again. On the other hand, it could be an actual vector for pathogens. With that, I still believe you are onto something here. I would be interested in a way to split test this idea going through the actual mail. You have my attention.
Curiously Yours,
Nurse Becca

Interesting idea. Thank you for sharing.


The USPS doesn’t Shadow Ban 😊

As you said.....the options are endless. Now, my brain cells are showing signs of activity! All three of them!

👍 “When two or more agree.”

I am tossing around the idea of purchasing one of those $5000+ laser engraving machines. In the long run, I will likely do it just for the fun of it.

So, I'm thinking "Can these QR codes be laser-engraved on products that I might hawk on Amazon or E-Bay?

As you mentioned, the options are endless but I just don't know the possibilities.

Thanks for that great post, because I will be spending time researching the QR codes.


Now you got my mind going again.

QR codes are easy to generate. I create them in Canva. Be sure wherever you create it, it is permanent and temporary.

You could also create the QR code to point to a URL domain, and then you could change the forwarding whenever you wanted.

Again, thanks!

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